By Liz - 09/06/2011 04:21 - United States

Today, I thought an attractive guy was looking at my tits instead of my face, and prepared to act offended and perhaps flirt. Unfortunately, he was actually looking at the peeling and flaking sunburn in my cleavage, and informed me that Aloe might be helpful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 211
You deserved it 42 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Prepared to act offended? That's why no one likes you. Playing hard to get is for middle schoolers. And wear sunscreen unless you want to look like leather chaps by the time you're thirty.

OP, why the hell would you prepare to act offended if you were wanting to flirt? Isn't that kinda like being a bitch to a guy but then also wanting his attention? Grow up. If you don't want guys looking at your rack then stop showing them when you're out. If you want a guy to flirt with you, try talking to him like you're not an attention-seeking bitch & tell him you're interested. Playing hard to get is for middle-schoolers.


BabbiiLovvee 0

If I had flaky breasts I wouldn't have them on show.

OP, why the hell would you prepare to act offended if you were wanting to flirt? Isn't that kinda like being a bitch to a guy but then also wanting his attention? Grow up. If you don't want guys looking at your rack then stop showing them when you're out. If you want a guy to flirt with you, try talking to him like you're not an attention-seeking bitch & tell him you're interested. Playing hard to get is for middle-schoolers.

"prepared to act offended and perhaps flirt." You know how I know you're an attention ***** OP? You have flaky breasts yet you still wanna show them off.

BrunetteBabe4 0
MizzErikaHart 8

sooooo, he was looking at ur ****, basicly right?

oblio 0

60, exactly. then he made a lame excuse to cover his transgression.

There is never, ever a time or place for flaky *******. Never.

Imagine that a guy was walking around with his pants so low that you could see the base of his ****. Then imagine that when he saw a girl looking at it he got all offended as if he had a right to walk around with his exposed **** unnoticed. But then imagine that the guy was actually faking offense because he actually liked the attention (but only from the girls he was attracted to) and wanted to use his exposure as a way to start flirting (vainly and naively assuming that his stellar personality would be more interesting to the girl than his exposed ****). Then imagine that the girl noticed that the guy had ingrown pubic hairs. That's your story. Hope you feel good about yourself. You're sure to land a great boyfriend with those techniques.

I saw something like that on an app. "Before equality and after equality".

She said "prepared to act offended and perhaps flirt"... Really OP? Really?

TinyDude 10

at least u were right abt the staring at ur cleavage part.

saning 2

57 - I think I see some flakes. :)

do you not have sunburn elsewhere too? sounds like he wanted to look at your melons

braasilianx0 4

agreed. and aloe will help. don't be offended, he's just trying to help.

maybe he'd like to rub it all over for you?

zakkyzebra 11

why would he stare at her melons when he can stare at her lovely bunch of coconuts?

Boygenius50 8

She must have turned red with embarrassment. . .

Prepared to act offended? That's why no one likes you. Playing hard to get is for middle schoolers. And wear sunscreen unless you want to look like leather chaps by the time you're thirty.

zowieandzander77 1

so true... that's incredibly childish

shaniecerb 0

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Alicia17C 2

"billion sex partners" could u mean ur fingers? lol stop falsely bragging about how amazing u r. if it were true u wouldn't b telling every1 about it on fml.

What are you incapable of walking away without the bitch act? I'll bet that all of the guys you date are jerks. Its because jerks are the only ones who will keep pursuing you even though you keep dissing them. Jerks dont care what you want, they only care what they want. Your behavior actively filters out the best men!!! You have no clue what you're missing.

Wait I thought guys like women who are hard to get because it's a challenge on the relationship side of things. Easy girls might give you stds because every guy can easily get her.

It's one thing to not be easy, but it's another to actively insult guys in the process of "flirting". There's quite a big happy medium in there.

#108 What? Even if a woman has multiple sexual partners and/or is "easy" it does not mean she does not use protection during sex...

emmiep1011 7

you should probably take care of that...

Ak30 5
MaximilianMarche 0

is there a point to ur comment or do u just like to state the obvious?

icantellu 7

oooh that's embarrassing, but at least you know that he wasn't looking at your boobs because he's a jerk, but because he was trying to help

jmtmxer 0

i bet you anything she really looked up haha

scottymbev 0

well at least he caredbout ur **** xd

OhDangLetsBangBa 0

that's probably the only thing he cared about.