By stupidrobot - 03/09/2015 20:14 - United States - Seattle

Today, I had to complete a simple math problem to submit a web form in order to show that I wasn't a spam robot. I got it wrong. I'm officially too bad at arithmetic to prove I'm human. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 371
You deserved it 8 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You damn robots need to stop trying to be people.

dakotaabriannee 14

I'm curious as to what this simple math problem was.


Safe comment for almost any FML. Great originality there.

JustinJK 21

It's nice to see that everyone here has gotten to the low point of chastising simple, consoling remarks. Sometimes a simplistic statement says a lot more than trying to be witty or writing a dissertation.

There's a button for both remarks you just stated lol

townailz 16

Don't worry, most people find math difficult

but there is literally no excuse both phones and computers have calculators on then

dakotaabriannee 14

I'm curious as to what this simple math problem was.

(2xー5x³)/sin(45-2/456x^98)-√5^√x^¾=y. what is x , when y is .567336337

I would be able to do that if I knew what sin was.

I assume it was basic algebra. There isn't a point for it to be harder. Although a robot would be able to solve much harder problems. Much harder math is used to program things after all

Sorry to hear about your additional problem