By wtf - 12/07/2009 16:20 - United States

Today, I was on my girlfriend's computer. When searching on google, her browsing history popped up. The first thing was "Best positions for a small penis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 032
You deserved it 14 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who cares? If you have a small penis, so what. She obviously doesn't care that much as she hasn't left you and is looking for ways to make the sex enjoyable despite it. She also never was rude enough to say it to your face. She's a keeper.

well at least she's trying to work with it...she could have just dumped you and moved on to someone with a bigger penis. And she didn't bring it up to you and make you feel bad about it, sounds like she was trying to overcome something that could negatively affect your sex life because she loves you enough to stay with you. FYL though for having that small of a penis.


rabidbacon 0

That sucks, hey it could be for some other guy she is seeing, if that helps. FIRST HAHA

Damn, I was planning to reply with that! To the OP: Um... she could just be random Google searching, or searching for someone else, or whatever. You've never Googled weird things for the sake of Googling them? And who really cares if you have a small penis, anyways? Half of all penises are below average...

OP, ur such a lier! The history never pops up, it pops down!!!

StarrieyedFML 0

You better be ****** joking right now.

americayay 0

at least she's trying to figure it out on her own instead of breaking up with him or embarrassing him by confronting him.

#24, are you allowed out of Nazi Hitler Prison at this time?

sexymessy 0

Honestly size doesnt matter that much, It's all how you use it LOL! on that note at least she's okay with it,and trying to find out ways on making it work!

The best position for a small penis is behind your zipper.

i meant that toward 24 btw, not the OP

cima3695 0

Hey jandersoniii weren't you like a feminist a while ago? Maybe your bipolar?? Or a rude transexual... But anways... GO **** YOURSELF. because trust me no one else is ever gonna do it for you douchebag.

According to my experience, the penis' purpose is to give pleasure to his owner. Penetration is just a very small part of what a complete and satisfactory sexual relation encompasses. Very few women can ****** with penetration only. So, while you're having fun, give her a 'hand' too.

I knew it! I saw a comment on some other FML and I knew you couldn't be the real jandersoniii! My thinking? The REAL jandersoniii we all know and love ditched her account, and someone else picked up the name. OR her account was hijacked for the sole purpose of turning the man-hating crap into this kind of crap. Or she could just be being really ironic, but from what I recall of our beloved jandersoniii, she was somewhat lacking in a sense of humour...

how can most penises be below the average? the average is the middle. which means there is an equal number of penises above and below the average.

24 i will kick your sexist, ignorant ass and yes im a girl you ****** bastard, i will set your dick on fire and cut it off and make you eat it you dumb ****

#24 you are an hero on the internet, If you catch my drift

google blows and is highly overrated anyway. Bing is where its at

To 142 - **** you. His comment - out of line. Yours - also ******* stupid. Grow the **** up.

Anonymous409 0

#24 is a god and we should all bow down to him and embrace his sexist opinions.

103, I'm bipolar. Your comment is just as ignorant and as stupid as 24.

Exactly! She seems like she is trying to make the relationship work in all aspects including what goes on in the bedroom. At least she is trying to make the situation work, your ego may be bruised and I'm sure it would be but she seems to love you. If she didn't she would have dumped you for a guy with a bigger dick by now.

Sambo110 0

Wouldn't that mean the average penis isn't the length they say?

confabulatedgod 0

I agree with this completely. It's not her fault that you've got a small dick, and the fact that she was trying to protect your feelings & work on it without hurting your itty bitty penis feelings speaks volumes for her.

half of all penis? are below average size of penis' that doesnt make sence. learn basic math

It's kind of obvious #24 is trolling. Some people just don't get the internet, or are incredibly stupid.

How does that not make sense? That's what an average doesn't necessarily mean that exactly half are smaller and half are bigger but you would expect it to be reasonably close to half and half. Also, learn basic writing skills.

chuk_norris_fml 0

#189 and all the other retards with this question: Let's say you are trying to find the average of 1, 2, and 9. 1 + 2 + 9 = 12 12 / 3 = 4 The average is 4. Now let's compare the results: 2 of the numbers are below average and only one is above. Who doesn't know basic math now, dumbass?

#24, if you're not joking, SHUT YOUR ******* MOUTH, ****!!!

no jandirsoniiiis not a hero more of a very bored teen or something of that sort.... anyone can insult its much harder to try to do something with your life instead of bitching about everyone elses!!!!!

Saromo 0

#13 Then that isn't average is it?

YDI for having a small dick and a loose ***** of a gf.

yashack 0

If half the penises(not sure how to spell it) were below average it wouldn't be average!

My thoughts exactly. So what if you have a small penis, she's being creative about it!

i think he meant fml because he didnt realise he had a small penis and he thought it was average

hey, at least she's trying to make things interesting.

I was going to write something along theses lines.

Who cares? If you have a small penis, so what. She obviously doesn't care that much as she hasn't left you and is looking for ways to make the sex enjoyable despite it. She also never was rude enough to say it to your face. She's a keeper.

this. she could've simply broken up with you over it, but instead she's trying to work with what you've got. she must really care about you.

SuzyQ4u5 0

Yes exactly, this isn't an FML, you've finally found someone who cares about you, and is looking past imperfections she thinks you might have. You should be happy, because not everyone can find someone like that. :)

No person with any sense of right and wrong would ever dump someone based on penis size. Come on. A smaller penis is not an imperfection. You guys are silly.

agreed 100%... was gonna say something to that effect.

well at least she's trying to work with it...she could have just dumped you and moved on to someone with a bigger penis. And she didn't bring it up to you and make you feel bad about it, sounds like she was trying to overcome something that could negatively affect your sex life because she loves you enough to stay with you. FYL though for having that small of a penis.

relationships don't always have to be about sex if she's really worth being with the size of your penis wouldn't matter that much

You can't help your penis size, she's just trying to get the best out of the situation :P

jncwmnd 0

very true, at least she cares enough to work with what you got instead of cheating on you ^_^

maybe a friend used her computer last. Or maybe you do have a small penis

Don't be nosey looking into her history list. If it popped up, then pop it back down. But if it makes you feel better, atleast she wasn't looking up something disgusting lesbian ****. lmao :P