By ahddib - 14/10/2010 02:13 - United States

Today, I started making love to my wife as soon as the kids were occupied. She just laid there the whole time and never responded, except for a few times to say "Ouch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 196
You deserved it 10 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe u should have stopped?! you know since she was saying "ouch" maybe u should have checked to make sure she was okay?!


phirestarter 0

maybe turn her on first next time fool....

#71 Is sooo right. shes probably exhausted from having two kids, an expectant partner and who knows what other stresses in life. and it is way more of a turn on when daddy is an equal partner and not a roomate who sometimes helps out. not that we know OP's situation, but just a little tip for all you daddys out there who aren't gettin enough action, or satisfyng action in this case.

Has anyone thought the she might be just a dead and fridgid lay. I mean come on. I dated a girl like that and I'm hung like a horse. and go for hours.

You sound like you're overcompensating.

next time give her a nice massage before.. maybe she just needed a little TLC in the way a woman benefits the best

janise 2

Why didn't you stop after the 1st Ouch? That's generally the universal sign for "Not gonna happen bud. Now go take out the garbage".

perez758 2

do something different than homy. change it up on her. she's just tired of doin the same shit all the time.

wow.. why so many your life sucks? This ******* jackass deserved shitty sex if he's going to just cram it in the second hes alone with her. Women require lubrication and arousal for sex NOT to hurt doucehbag. Generally if she isen't responding, it's because IT DOE NOT FEEL GOOD. Oh and the "ouch" sound? That is also a bad sign. You are a god damn idiot. I feel sorry for your poor wife.