Waste of time

By I'mmessedup - 29/09/2021 22:59

Today, after weeks of every excuse not to, my wife wanted sex. It was amazing, and she had at least 3 orgasms. Instead of cuddling afterwards, she got up like someone kicked her and started bitching about all the things she could have been doing, as she got dressed and stormed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 133
You deserved it 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

...Are you sure those were orgasms?

Okay I gotta ask: why are you trashing on him for this? You took the girls’ side and made him out to be the bad guy when, honestly, it doesn’t sound like he’s the bad guy. I’m going to believe his wife did give excuses to not have sex due to her attitude at the end of the sex; especially when she was the one who wanted it in the first place. She asked for sex and then complains at the end about all the things she could’ve been doing. That’s just not right in any sex situation unless he’s horrible at and I can’t believe a woman who basically denies him sex would fake not 1, not 2, but 3 orgasms just to get it over with. Now that’s a waste of time right there. And how does he not seem safe? He obviously let it go when she didn’t want to have sex. Waited until she was ready. Gave her pleasure 3 times and then wanted to cuddle at the end. Honestly where in that summary is he a creep and not safe?


What the ****? This is like the FML where the guy gave his partner a massage then it became sex after she clearly wanted it. Does she have anxiety or some past trauma? I don't understand how someone could be upset after cumming 3 times. Talk to her about it.

rotflqtms_ 21

...Are you sure those were orgasms?

You should have finished her off after one ****** and let her get on with the rest of her to-do list. Don't waste her time with redundant orgasms!

hopejm 5

she has issues. time for therapy

And1 12

I think she is seeing someone else

Your wife does not need an "Excuse" to turn down sex you ******* creep. I guarantee she did not "******" three times, and she clearly does not want to have sex with you. If I was her friend I'd encourage her to get the **** out of there because you don't seem safe.

Okay I gotta ask: why are you trashing on him for this? You took the girls’ side and made him out to be the bad guy when, honestly, it doesn’t sound like he’s the bad guy. I’m going to believe his wife did give excuses to not have sex due to her attitude at the end of the sex; especially when she was the one who wanted it in the first place. She asked for sex and then complains at the end about all the things she could’ve been doing. That’s just not right in any sex situation unless he’s horrible at and I can’t believe a woman who basically denies him sex would fake not 1, not 2, but 3 orgasms just to get it over with. Now that’s a waste of time right there. And how does he not seem safe? He obviously let it go when she didn’t want to have sex. Waited until she was ready. Gave her pleasure 3 times and then wanted to cuddle at the end. Honestly where in that summary is he a creep and not safe?

Yeah, I'm with the other reply on this one. The way you seem to have interpreted this FML is actually dumbfounding. Why would she instigate sex just fake orgasms?? She seems a bit looney to me so if anyone is not safe I'd say it's him.

You are aware that sometimes women fake an ****** aren’t you?

Why would she ask for sex just to fake orgasms though? I mean, did you even think this comment through?

Sonotsuave 35

I would maybe have a talk with her—it sounds like she’s really stressed out at the moment, and it’s possible she’s even going through something. I know when I’m anxious or stressed there have been times I’ve said something I didn’t mean to my boyfriend. I would take time to let her work through it & allow her to see you’re only trying to be intimate in a healthy way with her & are contributing to helping her relax