By ahddib - 14/10/2010 02:13 - United States

Today, I started making love to my wife as soon as the kids were occupied. She just laid there the whole time and never responded, except for a few times to say "Ouch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 196
You deserved it 10 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe u should have stopped?! you know since she was saying "ouch" maybe u should have checked to make sure she was okay?!


Invierno 10

Communicate, people. If your partner loves you, they will listen. Unless your partner particularly enjoys pain, continuing after noticing that they obviously aren't enjoying themselves isn't going to get you any brownie points (regardless of whether she made no attempt to stop you). Next time, try showing her how much you love her, try going slow instead of jumping her. Although that turns some people on, she may just be exhausted. If the kids get in the way that much, there are such things as babysitters. Try taking a night a week or so for the two of you. I bet she'd appreciate some foreplay and a bit more love.

Come 2 think of it that might b a good question.

ashrandom 0

You should have stopped, you were hurting her. YDI

Does anyone else hate it when the ball gag shifts enough for them to make a noise? No? Just me then...

really?....that is really sad. why would she just lay there. i feel bad for you