By robbed - 14/10/2010 02:25 - United States

Today, I realized I was happy because we finally started having friends come visit us after months of not having company. I also realized that our secret stash of money was stolen last night while we had company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 878
You deserved it 4 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

psuboy 0

I think you need to find some better friends

FFML_314 11

Little do you know, it was your husband.


psuboy 0

I think you need to find some better friends

Money doesn't make you happy. Money creates more problems than it solves. Be glad you got some friends.

psuboy 0

so 14 I would love to take some of your problems from you then. wanna give me a couple grand?

psuboy 0

so 14 I would love to take some of your problems from you then. wanna give me a couple grand? FYL op

FFML_314 11

Money actually can bring you a lot of happiness. Be glad you have friends? No, those are not friends.

MissErikaHart 0

whoever robbed u has been waiting for months to do so

brightnite 0

Step 1 - Make a new secret stash (loan?) Step 2 - Invite same people over Step 3 - Booby trap money with car battery.

lionandthelamb61 9

The exact same thing happened to me and I never found out who it was. I had $800 hidden in a crest whitestrips box in my bathroom where no one was even supposed to go...and I was half way through my whitening cycle!! My advice to the OP is to make a list of everyone that was over your house and eliminate people as they become unlikely as suspects. Unfortunately for me my list came down to two people and neither one would admit it. Next time put it somewhere inaccesable and find some better friends!

FFML_314 11

Little do you know, it was your husband.

trueblue42 4

that's scum. choose a better hiding place, like in the floorboards!

Darling...that is what a bank account is for. I never keep cash around anymore. Not with the two free-spenders I live with.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Asuka and Misato? +3 internet points for correct answer to that guess's anime.

I...don't know who any of those people are. I live with my boys, Trudly dear and Folly darling. I can't remember why I keep them around...they never get anything done, and they're becoming a bunch of lazy freeloaders.

CheshireHalli 19

Rei, they're from Evangelion, right? :)

don't worry op, now your friends will tell others that your house is like a free. ATM machine, and you'll be having lots if people over. you guys really know how to treat your guests.

psuboy 0

the m in ATM actually stands for machine. you said AT machine machine. just pointing that out :)

Sonfang 19

Eh like it matters, people say PIN number same concept. You just wanted to complain!

KiwiExchange 16

Don't rely too much on friends you haven't seen in a while, a lot can change over the course of a month, you'd be surprise. that still sucks though. :(

you have horrible friends. there's a reason why you didn't have any company over for months.

541MedfazWcM 0

well mayb it wasnt secret enough and they found it but still that sucks

>_< Think before you speak/type/comment (whichever you prefer) OBVIOUSLY THEY FOUND IT! That's the whole point of the FML dipshit. I hate you!

:) I'm ok, I just dislike stupid people! lol

sourgirl101 28

Damn, that comment got you that angry? I'd hate to see you on a really bad day.(:

I think this fml is a little confusing but sorry that happened OP and you should prbly use a bank account or just find a better hiding space.