By ahddib - 14/10/2010 02:13 - United States

Today, I started making love to my wife as soon as the kids were occupied. She just laid there the whole time and never responded, except for a few times to say "Ouch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 196
You deserved it 10 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe u should have stopped?! you know since she was saying "ouch" maybe u should have checked to make sure she was okay?!


At least she let you when she wasn't into it. And it still counts

My ex wife did that to me so I would make myself finish and leave her lying naked to clean herself up. I'm now divorced and have a girlfriend who I Have wild and crazy sex with.

steam_engenius 21

Your ex "did that" to you? You mean, you failed to please her so you regularly just used her body and left her there to clean up your mess after you had your fun? What a fantastic husband you were. Gross, man.

scottishoatmeal 22

Wow that must have been an awkward situation

good God man. didn't you think that ouch was a clear indication she was not enjoying herself? and yet it sounds like you kept going. maybe you shoikd learn to please her.

peterblack67 9

Holy God! Did the first ouch not give you a clue as to how much she was not enjoying it? That sounds closer to assault than making love. I feel very bad for your poor wife.