By eyes wide SHIT - 28/12/2013 01:37 - Australia

Today, I spotted a huge spider in my bedroom. I freaked out at first, but I managed to confront my arachnophobia and killed it with a book. I was ecstatic and went to tell my boyfriend. By the time I returned to my room, the "dead" spider had vanished. Now I'm too scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 014
You deserved it 5 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus. You're an arachnophobic living in Australia. FYL, OP.


Hmm... I posted an FML like this, almost exactly the same, about 2 weeks ago but it didn't get past moderation...

now it will come back with Aragog to take revenge OP :)

Thus begins the spider zombie apocalypse...

fffianist 9

Don't worry, OP. I also have arachnophobia and we've been living in Brisbane for the last 10 years. All the summer spiders are just starting to crawl out of their lairs. Even though I break down in tears whenever I'm near anything with 5+ legs, my family refuses to believe I have a phobia and thinks our insect infestation can be solved with a few rolled up newspapers and elbow grease, the same as they think every year.

When dealing with spiders confirm your kill. Always confirm your kill... And never turn your back on them, ever.