By eyes wide SHIT - 28/12/2013 01:37 - Australia

Today, I spotted a huge spider in my bedroom. I freaked out at first, but I managed to confront my arachnophobia and killed it with a book. I was ecstatic and went to tell my boyfriend. By the time I returned to my room, the "dead" spider had vanished. Now I'm too scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 014
You deserved it 5 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus. You're an arachnophobic living in Australia. FYL, OP.


Spiders do have a tendency to play dead to stop others from attacking them. Once the attacker has left they'll uncurl themselves and hide.

Never leave a spider you have killed without attention. Flush it, burn it.. do whatever, but never leave the room before you have gotten rid of the little thing.

Spiders are actually very important and without them we would be plagued with other bugs like mosquitos

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.

I'm so glad that you conquered your idiotic fear by killing an animal. Good job. Not.

I wouldn't really say it's an "idiotic fear". It's not like OP chose to fear spiders.

martin8337 35

Same thing happened to Michael Meyers when he fell out of the second floor window or was it the roof?