By eyes wide SHIT - 28/12/2013 01:37 - Australia

Today, I spotted a huge spider in my bedroom. I freaked out at first, but I managed to confront my arachnophobia and killed it with a book. I was ecstatic and went to tell my boyfriend. By the time I returned to my room, the "dead" spider had vanished. Now I'm too scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 014
You deserved it 5 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus. You're an arachnophobic living in Australia. FYL, OP.


grashopper8 7

I'm sure it just curled up and died somewhere. Someday you'll vacuum it up without knowing it. Sleep well!

No silly, you need to burn the neighbourhood down!

You must bathe the entire city in a cleansing fire.

It probably died shortly after since it was badly injured

That is why u always make sure it is dead if ur not shur hit it again

Rule 1: kill Rule 2: capture Rule 3: flush..

No op, it didn't vanish, trust me. It's watching you as you read this. He just let out an evil little laugh when he heard you yawn. Did you hear it?

You've obviously never seen Aliens, or you'd have known to take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

That poor spider! It would be suffering a long and painful death. You have to find it again and save it from hours of agony and kill it properly instead of just injure it!!