By eyes wide SHIT - 28/12/2013 01:37 - Australia

Today, I spotted a huge spider in my bedroom. I freaked out at first, but I managed to confront my arachnophobia and killed it with a book. I was ecstatic and went to tell my boyfriend. By the time I returned to my room, the "dead" spider had vanished. Now I'm too scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 014
You deserved it 5 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus. You're an arachnophobic living in Australia. FYL, OP.


DenBriZel 31


JMichael 25

It'll be like the giant chicken for Family Guy. It'll always come back and you two will always somehow meet up again.

News flash: there are always going to be spiders in your house

Useless fact for you- the average person eats 8 spiders in their life time while asleep. Since you tried killing an innocent spider because you are scared of it, I hope this information keeps you awake at night! Spiders only are aggressive when provoked so if you would like to stay bite free, stop trying to kill them.

Useful fact for you: The factoid you're citing was explicitly made up as an example of how people will believe anything widely disseminated enough on the internet. Ask yourself how this information would have been acquired in the first place if it were true. That being said, though, your point of "Don't kill harmless animals for no reason" is hard to disagree with, at least for those who aren't utterly egocentric. Spiders aren't even "aggressive when provoked". Biting something that has physically trapped you doesn't really count as aggression.

ZY1431 24

good night sleep tight don't let the dead bite.

Even after I kill a spider and it falls off the wall it always manages to disappear. I so hate that.

You shouldn't kill a creature just because of your irrational phobia, it's cruel. This is assuming they aren't harmful poisonous spiders of course. I always put a glass over them, slide some card underneath making sure not to damage their legs, and take them outside... Far, far away :) No need to kill them at all!

squideth 18

Thank you. I'm afraid of people irrationally but I don't murder them. Spiders are literally more useful to this earth than we are and people proudly kill them, it's pathetic.

P1Nk13 7

This has happened to me before! Although, I'm pretty sure my cat ate it.