By eyes wide SHIT - 28/12/2013 01:37 - Australia

Today, I spotted a huge spider in my bedroom. I freaked out at first, but I managed to confront my arachnophobia and killed it with a book. I was ecstatic and went to tell my boyfriend. By the time I returned to my room, the "dead" spider had vanished. Now I'm too scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 014
You deserved it 5 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus. You're an arachnophobic living in Australia. FYL, OP.


A spider vanished on my room a couple of days ago too. I am also extremely afraid of spiders so I decided to sleep in the living room other than my bed. Blegh.

I've done that multiple times, glad to know I'm not a complete weirdo :)

Those huntsman spiders are ******* terrifying. Your best course of action is to move to Antarctica. No spiders there.

I've heard they have bird-eating tarantulas down there too. Not my cup of tea.

I'm pretty darn sure there are no tarantulas on Antarctica. I've only heard of sea spiders down there.

Huntsmans are awesome you can pick them up and they rarely bite humans. Also having a huntsman in your room means no mosquitos which I would much prefer over having no spiders in the house. Also they're non venemous.

"Huntsman" are actually rather venomous, their fangs just aren't long enough to pierce human flesh.

I had a huntsman land on my head once. I've been scarred ever since.

#54: You seem to be confusing huntsmen spiders with harvestmen, as their fangs are plenty large enough to bite and cause minor infections. You are probably thinking of the myth about harvestmen (AKA "daddy longlegs") having deadly poison but tiny fangs - which is false on both counts, as they don't even HAVE fangs.

116- No, it was definitely a Huntsman spider. I live in Australia like OP and they are very common here. Google them, they can be huge.

Oh and 116- I meant emotionally scarred, not physically.

I was addressing post #54. I'm hardly denying huntsman spiders can land on peoples heads and scare the bejeesus out of them! I'm not quite sure what you inferred from my post, but none of your responses seem to actually address what I was saying, unless I am massively misinterpreting yours.

Ah. It looks like you may have misread 54 as 84 and thought I was responding to you.

Mistakes happen. It's all good. Happy new year!

And then there are the 7 spiders an average person swallows in their sleep...

Speaking of statistics, I wonder how many times ridiculous "facts" get posted online every day?

If you want to put "facts" up, at least put a timeframe... like, do we swallow 7 spiders in one night? A week? Year? The FML community MUST know!

I was telling an urban myth more than a "fact". I agree that if you want facts this isn't the place. I was always told it was in a year but other people will say different things.

how does one live in Australia and be afraid of spiders

Always and I mean always when you kill a spider make sure it's dead and dispose of it in some way where it can't flush if down the toilet or throw the remains out the window...

No! Fire up the little shit! Remember that bug the climbed up another OP private parts? Kill them all with fire.

Nikkitaria 9

When I read huge spider I imagined 2-3 cm. After I read Australia, I'm convinced it was at least 10 cm.

I paid my brother 20$ to kill a spider once

I had this happen to me as well. And it was in the hallway right outside my bedroom. I was freaked. But I did manage to pretend it hadn't disappeared.

He's plotting a scheme to kill you now ! Paybacks a bitch :p

i'd say that description fits more nicely with humans personally.