By No pain no gain - 23/11/2017 05:44
Caitlin Mcloughlin tells us more.
Hey guys, OP here! I have no idea how this login system works so I think I ended up creating a new profile. Anyway, for now I'm better, thank you so much for your support! As for a more permanent solution, fortunately I'm moving out next year to go to college, and so I'll be able to sort myself out with medication then. I'm honestly super surprised that my FML ended up published - thanks again for your sympathies!
Top comments
**** sake, don't let her control your pain religion will be fine and just as crazy if you have less pain. nothing good in pain
If you can find one, and a way to get to it, you can sneak out to a Planned Parenthood clinic, and they might be able to give you hormone therapy- as in, birth control. Otherwise, you could possibly try phrasing your request for birth control as requesting hormone therapy. It might be enough to trick her if you can get the doctor and nurse on board.
Yoga, heat compress, linden leaf tea, breathing exercises, and Midol. if she won't buy you Midol the active ingredients are literally caffeine and aspirin, so just drink a cup of coffee and have an aspirin.
If the OP is having that much pain, they very likely could be having cysts that are rupturing, or have endometriosis- both of which could be a deadly thing to add the blood thinning qualities of aspirin to. They NEED to see a doctor and rule those out.
actually, you are 100% wrong, aspirin is used and recommended to treat both of those. good try fear mongering though, next time try it on someone whom doesn't have endometrois who's best friend has pcos.
that was exactly my issues. both. polycystic and endometriosis
To scare her! Tell her you'll get pregnant just to stop the pain! See if she chooses to give you pills or get a grandkid!
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Show it anywayi dont think this comment helps her.
Make a regular doctors appointment and request to go in by yourself. Talk to your Dr and ask them what you can do- if you have to have her permission to get the medication in the first place, or ask them to speak with her. You're far from the only female with hyper-religious parents whose beliefs get in the way of medical care. Hopefully your doctor can help get her to agree to the treatment you need. If not, it could legally be medical neglect. (I'm not a lawyer so I don't know that for sure). Best of luck to you, OP. I hope you're able to get the treatment you need.
if you are experiencing that kind of pain, you may have endometriosis. You need to get checked.
Some people really do just experience very bad menstrual cramps. But as someone who did recently deal with an ovarian cyst and had to check for endo, I would still recommend you get checked OP, just to know if it's just a lot of pain or something on that level.
I had some truly awful periods as a teen, would start theowing up the day before and bleed heavy. My mom and her sister had even worse, which is why I never saw a doctor about it until I had a cyst so painful that I could barely eat. Birth control implant has been great, except for adding like 20lbs to the front of my torso. Research your options!
If you are over 18 she legally can't reign you in like that. Go to the doctors and ask for a progesterone shot. No monthly pills to hide, it's a once every 3-4 months. I liked Yasmin/Ocella, and switched to the mini pill, but part of my issue is I NEED almost no period. I can't afford the iron loss and nearly ended up in the ER for a blood transfusion. That and nothing I found works for my cysts that when one of those explode, my kidney actually gets inflamed and hurts being in the firing line!
Your mother is a moron
That's kinda rude!

If you can find one, and a way to get to it, you can sneak out to a Planned Parenthood clinic, and they might be able to give you hormone therapy- as in, birth control. Otherwise, you could possibly try phrasing your request for birth control as requesting hormone therapy. It might be enough to trick her if you can get the doctor and nurse on board.
**** sake, don't let her control your pain religion will be fine and just as crazy if you have less pain. nothing good in pain