By MikeNick - 17/12/2011 07:59 - United States

Today, I somehow managed to slam my trumpet case closed on my nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 701
You deserved it 9 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for playing the Trumpet. Nah I joke, FYL indeed

Ouch! I'm trying to picture this happening, and when I do, I see droopy man boobs getting in the way.


It's better then getting a trumpet droped on your package as a joke to wake you

bluechevy101 0

Trumpet love oh how I miss my band days especially band camp

lstrawberrycake 12

Well at least your not a girl because if you were that would have stopped breast development

hawaiian_girl23 0

And we wouldn't want that now would we >;D

cleio81 5

Oddly enough, I've done that too. >.

At least you don't play a low brass instrument!