By Cissy - 27/12/2018 00:00

Today, my former coworker called to ask if he could get it on with my ex-husband. The same ex I was married to for 20 years without knowing anything about his other life. I've been replaced by an overweight, middle-aged furry. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 2 444
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your former coworker just so happens to be a furry? I don't really see a problem with it. I mean, he is your ex-husband for a reason. What he does in his spare time shouldn't really bother you so much.

i think she is saying that becuase her ex and her work colleague are both men. his other life is that he is homosexual.


This is so vague idk where to begin. Did your husband cheat on you or admit after 20 years with you he is gay? And was the co worker part of the divorce? because it doesn't seem like it, its seems like a person calling you person to person to get YOUR approval. what assholes.

So your former coworker just so happens to be a furry? I don't really see a problem with it. I mean, he is your ex-husband for a reason. What he does in his spare time shouldn't really bother you so much.

fde2blknimout 18

It isn't like she is a current coworker. She didn't have to seek out your permission.

Well this is vague AF. So was the other life him being a furry? Is it him being gay? Obviously the reason for the divorce plays a role? Was it adultery, just grew apart? Had his furry alternate life style left you with the soul scaring mental picture of you husband and another Furkin have a furry bare back mountain? Also if it’s an ex-husband and an ex-coworker why would you even care. It’s no like you’d see him at Christmas parties or work functions. Would you be happier if he was man saucing some 20 yo female fitness model?

Well, at least he's your ex and not your current husband.