Join the club

By Anonymous - 15/12/2023 17:00 - United States - Uvalde

Today, I was at dinner with my boyfriend. About 30 minutes into dinner and I see my exes come in, one by one. In the end, they were all sitting at the same table. My boyfriend got up and went to the bathroom. He came back and sat down with them. Apparently my boyfriend went through my phone and called all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 618
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this needs a sequel. what happened next, why did your boyfriend do that??

One way to end a relationship. Taking his place at the table with the exes.


this needs a sequel. what happened next, why did your boyfriend do that??

Wadlaen 23

For what reason did he do that?

BrizBurry 10

we gunna need a follow up on this one

One way to end a relationship. Taking his place at the table with the exes.

You are better off without someone like that.

The immature ex that thought up this little mime act has saved you from a life of moronic behaviors like this.

you need to say goodbye. that was a creepy move on his part. why on earth did he do that? just shows that new bf is manipulative. run now before he gets worse.

How many were there? And surely he knew that you'd had boyfriends before him. Not sure what his intentions were here, but it definitely sounds suspicious.