By DroppedTheSoap - 26/04/2019 04:00 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, while trying to sexily wash my man in the shower, I dropped the body wash bottle. The pump grazed my nipple, making it bleed. As if that didn't kill the mood, I now have a Star Wars bandaid on my boob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 983
You deserved it 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What’s with all the nipple injury stories lately? I’m cramping up from the continual cringing. (I hope my enemies don’t see this.)

I'm not even sure what to say. But you probably wouldn't hear me above the laughter. Sorry.


I'm not even sure what to say. But you probably wouldn't hear me above the laughter. Sorry.

wait blood nipple play and star wars bandaid ruin the mood? LOL

What’s with all the nipple injury stories lately? I’m cramping up from the continual cringing. (I hope my enemies don’t see this.)

Yes, but you’re not my enemy. At least, that’s what I think.

Achilles Nipple sounds like a Star Wars character.

The force was strong with the body wash bottle.

idk why i always cringe when women use the phrase "my man".

The Force was strong with that one! Sounds like you really felt it!

I'd say that band-aid is a bonus for your man!

Achilles Nipple sounds like a Star Wars character.

J15237 25

Actually the star wars band aid on your nipple does sound a bit sexy. I would recommend putting one on the other nipple and playing it off as pasties.