Thank God For VPN

By Anonymous - 05/06/2021 15:59 - Nigeria

Today, the government of my country banned Twitter because Twitter deleted one of our president's tweets yesterday. Democratic government, indeed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 919
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty refreshing that somehow this post isn't about the U.S for once.

You've got that backwards, man. Politics should stay out of Twitter.


Jefftabula 2

Good. Twitter should stay out of politics

You've got that backwards, man. Politics should stay out of Twitter.

Pretty refreshing that somehow this post isn't about the U.S for once.

Forgive the digression- I am reminded that where we are born and what parents we are born to is a huge senseless lottery. Some of us are lucky to be born in a fortunate place to good parents. Then we tend to sit back and think we deserved our good fortune. Life is like a card game. We are dealt a hand of cards and then we play those cards. Some hands are good, some are bad no matter what we do. But in most cases what counts is how we play the hand we were dealt. You cannot help where you were born or the government of your country. I admire those who stand up and do what they can to make their part of the world a better place. I hope you find ways to speak out against injustice and authoritarian government without having to suffer the worst consequences. That applies wherever you are.

ViviMage 38

In 2021, the government of Nigeria has blocked access to Twitter, after Twitter deleted a controversial tweet by the country's president Muhammadu Buhari

Tikmysta 20

I saw this on the headlines