By 352 - 18/04/2012 20:18 - United States

Today, I somehow managed to hit my head on a first aid kit. I now have a cut on my forehead and my boyfriend just keeps laughing from the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 326
You deserved it 4 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But the irony in your statement isn't, because it's ironic that you wrote a comment about irony saying that irony is always funny, yet the irony in your comment wasn't funny. How ironic.

I'm sorry OP, that's ******* hilarious. If it were my husband in that situation, I'd be laughing my ass off too.


linkinpark98 23

How did that even happen? Was the first aid kit waiting around the corner for you to enter the room, then just spring out from nowhere?

Yes, the kit was feeling neglected and decided to take steps to make sure that it got some use for a change, it then conspired with the OP's boyfriend to set an ambush and injure the poor OP...

Excuse me, I'm just gonna change my pants.

I cut myself with my fingernail. Which, FYI, hurts like crap!!! xD

I should've put it in brackets in my original comment, perhaps the band-aid users would have understood a little better :(

prairienitro 6

I've done things like that. Where I work, the first aid kit is on a shelf well above my head. Whenever I need to grab something from it, I fear it will drop on head. Again.

01Michelle02 1

Is the cut similar to Harry Potters ?

been there, done that. lol I tripped over our band's first aid kit and cut my elbow open hitting the ground.

Don't worry. Karma is a bitch and will get them back