By 352 - 18/04/2012 20:18 - United States

Today, I somehow managed to hit my head on a first aid kit. I now have a cut on my forehead and my boyfriend just keeps laughing from the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 326
You deserved it 4 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But the irony in your statement isn't, because it's ironic that you wrote a comment about irony saying that irony is always funny, yet the irony in your comment wasn't funny. How ironic.

I'm sorry OP, that's ******* hilarious. If it were my husband in that situation, I'd be laughing my ass off too.


N9ne_ZxxZxxZ_ 3

at least your boyfriend understands what irony is, most people now of days are slipping when it comes to literature

N9ne_ZxxZxxZ_ 3

^ Curiosity go the best of me and I did as 92 suggested: Aside from his 6th point he made about nothing being impossible, I was better off before I gave him the benefit of the doubt. :p 92, can I assume your profile was written in an attempt to make a grammar nazi's head explode? That was horrible. ;)

N9ne_ZxxZxxZ_ 3

no it wasnt, its just me not giving a ****

I bet there wasnt a band-aid in that kit to cover the cut....i work Walmart and we have 100 store use first aid kits and not 1 has a bandaid.

Sounds about right from what I've heard of Walmart...

Matty1188 6

Sorry OP, but he's not the only one who laughed.

Sorry OP - I sympathise but I'm with your BF on this one!

Ins0mau 20

I love how this is EXACTLY what commenter 4 said and yet this gets lots of thumbs up while the previous one got buried in thumbs down. Maybe people just don't know "plaster"="band-aid" *SHRUGS*

I am sorry to hear that OP..Laugh it out with your BF, it sure indeed was funny :D