By Vlen - 24/05/2015 02:38 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I sleep during the day because I work nights. My neighbors have a very loud wedding and reception in their backyard including a live mariachi band. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 908
You deserved it 3 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make the best of it!! Go over and hope there is an open bar!!!!

Nevracceptdefeat 26

At least there's not a wedding in their yard could be worse


Make the best of it!! Go over and hope there is an open bar!!!!

octinate 17

My neighbours were having a regular party in their home once and let nearby residents know in advance, it's common curtesy and then he could have planned ahead and booked a cheap hotel room to sleep in that day

you'd book a cheap hotel to avoid noise...? you could just invest in a hearing reduction device.. working nights and stuff doesn't mean your neighbour's should be in trouble for noise during the day, and you can't be surprised, working nights and all.. I've never heard of a neighbor knocking on doors to let people know of a party at midday. . at night, late etc, yeah... but at normal hours there are no noise restrictions where I live.

Nevracceptdefeat 26

At least there's not a wedding in their yard could be worse

Let's hope this wedding doesn't go well, the last thing OP needs is for his neighbors to decide they can make some spare cash renting out their yard for services and receptions.

I don't think that's the problem or the solution, #10.

.. Or let's hope it does go well, partly because they didn't do anything to deserve it to go badly, but also because by your logic, if it goes well they won't need to hold anymore mariachi band-weddings while OP is trying to sleep..

I agree with #1, rock that shit and get wasted.

My sympathies. Having to sleep in the day sucks.

Looks like you'll have to sleep properly tomorrow instead. Drink loads of coffe to keep you going tonight at work!

Tip to people getting married: no mariachi band.

jazzy_123 20

mariachi bands are awesome.

SarahSehhati 40

Ear buds... I know they suck but they will help :) Good luck OP

I honestly get too scared to use earplugs/earbuds at night because I'm afraid I won't hear my alarm to wake me up for work.

There is a special alarm clock for deaf people - vibrating armband. People put it on their wrist [arm, ankle, somewhere], set the time and it vibrates at that time.

If you can't beat them join them. Sometimes it's a lot better then complaining or getting frustrated. Hopefully it didn't last all day and you have to go that night to work. I've been there and feel your pain.

Wizardo 33