Invest in ear plugs

By Dana O'Neil - 24/08/2020 15:03 - Canada - Westerose

Today, and every night all summer, I can hear the kids outside playing when I go to bed. They’re so loud, it makes it hard to sleep. The kids have a later bedtime than I do, and I’m 33. I'm feeling like a broken down old lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 281
You deserved it 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's this thing where people go to sleep early so they can wake up early and do this thing called work.

-Silverfox- 10

Isn’t there any rules in your area that restrict noise after 11 or 12 pm? Leave a complaint in their mail box


-Silverfox- 10

Isn’t there any rules in your area that restrict noise after 11 or 12 pm? Leave a complaint in their mail box

since these are children playing outside its I'm assuming op sleeps before 11

Tell your mom to give you a later bedtime or **** off!!!

this made me laugh out loud ...probably because I have told my mum to **** off 😄

Why are you going to bed so early? That seems kind of silly especially since you're complaining about it. ydi

There's this thing where people go to sleep early so they can wake up early and do this thing called work.

I know I've said this before but… millsjoshua949, WHY are you so DUMB?

You may be going to bed earlier, but they're the little bastards who will catch Covid soon enough. Also, sleep rules. If it wasn't for school, I'd have slept way more as a kid.