By hairybetty - 05/01/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I shaved my legs and armpits for the first time in 6 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't have a hot date, I just had my yearly gyno exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 173
You deserved it 8 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pony_barometer 0

Well I maybe know the reason why you don't have a hot date.

wtf?! you dont shave at least your armpits reguarly?!


"Today I brushed my teeth. It wasn't because I was making out with someone, I just wanted to practice good dental hygiene. FML!!!!!!!"

NeonWar__ 0

totally agree with 25. But 6 weeks is a loooonnnnngggg time. All you guys needa get over yourself as well. you have no idea how much of a pain it is and how painful it came be downstairs!!! and how itchy it gets >.<

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Not shaving your legs during winter is fine (although, I'd recommend you shave your armpits more often). OP, stop complaing about not having a date. You're not the only one who has dating problems *for example, I am completely infatuated with 4 different boys, but none of them return the feeling* but, do I go writing an FML for it? Nope. Also, for the girls saying they shave their vag: GROSS. In my opinion, shaving a ****** is disgusting. It reminds me of **** stars. Vaginas shouldn't be seen by people often, anyways. Who cares if they're shaved? Do you even know why you have pubic hair? It's mother nature's way of preventing bacteria down there.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Pubic hair protected us from bacteria in the caveman days. Now, since hygiene has improved a lot, its not necessary. Unless you are roaming around naked outside, you don't have "bacteria" to be protected from. I think its hilarious and hypocritical when girls say "you should shave your armpits and legs, BUT SHAVING YOUR VAG IS DISGUSTING!! ONLY PEDOPHILES LIKE THAT!!! IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A LITTLE KID!!11 But shaving anywhere else is TOTALLY ok." Its all body hair, just in different places. "who cares if they're shaved?" you sure do. you care about the shaved vag's of girls you don't even know.

You have tons and tons of symbiont bacteria, all over you and in you, especially in your ******. The bacteria in your ****** are what keep it acidic, inhibiting the growth of yeast. Now whether that has anything to do with pubic hair is another matter.

Well, trim them so that it doesn't stick out... But shaving completely? Doesn't matter too much.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#64 I never said they had to. In fact, I said it's just fine to not shave in the winter. But, legs and armpits are displayed often and they don't really serve a purpose. Also, as for my suggesting she shave her armpits: That's just because people sweat mainly under their armpits and the sweat could knot the hair. As for pubic hair, you think it still isn't helpful against bacteria? Ha. "It helped back in the caveman days". Your argument on hygiene is nothing if not hysterical. You're trying to use our generally good hygiene as an excuse to shave pubic hair. If you're so smart, tell me this: What is a good reason to shave pubic hair? I shave my legs, I admit. Of course. It's an inevitable part of being a girl. But, I don't do it because I think leg hair is gross. I genuinely enjoy how my legs feel after they're shaved. Especially when I lay down under a silk blanket :) I don't even have armpit hair to shave yet (still in the early stages of puberty. yes, you can go ahead and call me a self-righteous teenybopper), but yes I'd probably shave my armpit hair if I had any. Pubic hair serves a purpose, it's not publicly displayed, and it's not gross. Whereas armpits and legs don't do anything and they ARE publicly displayed. I don't even care if armpits and legs aren't shaved, cuz there's nothing wrong with body hair. Also, once again about your hygiene "argument" (I feel generous, so I'll call it an argument): You dropped out in Kindergarten or first grade, didn't you? There's bacteria everywhere. All over you. All over everything. Anybody with a 5-year-old's knowledge of health would know that. Not all bacteria is harmful, but despite hygiene they exist. Even when you're wearing clothes and are inside *gasp*. You're so ignorant.

Body hair is just so gross IMO in general. Ick.

MermaidSongXOXO 6
Malinkrot 3

1. I never said that bacteria doesn't exist, I said that we don't have bacteria that we need our pubes to protect us from. Learn to read. 2. You never actually say anything other than "your argument is hysterical" and some other nonsensical bull. 3. "An additional theory suggests that the purpose of pubic tresses for women is similar to that of cilia in the nose (a.k.a., nose hair) and eyelashes. In this case, the pubic hair prevents dirt and particles from entering the ******. However, one problem with this theory is that men don't have similar protective locks around the opening of their urethra." - And every other website about the purpose of pubic hair says that the purpose is unknown. So your little "fact" about pubes protecting us from bacteria is actually just a THEORY. 4. You are 13 and your profile says "people call me a nerd because I'm on the honor roll." Enough said.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#120, are you the same person as kaleid0scopeEyes? If not, STFU. If you are: Why don't YOU learn to read? My "nonsensical bull" made sense. If anyone is saying nonsensical bull, it's you. "Unless you are roaming around naked outside, you don't have "bacteria" to be protected from." Also, mocking me about the honor roll, that's pathetic. You try to rub it in my face that I'm 13, but guess what? This 13-year-old is smarter than you. Congratulations. Also, the only people who try to justify shaving pubes like you do are people who show off their vajayjay a lot. ****.

Malinkrot 3

Little kiddie, I'm on the Deans List in college with a 3.7 GPA. Getting on the honor roll in middle school is easy as shit. It doesn't make you a "nerd," it makes you average. I know people who were on the honor roll in middle school who are addicted to heroin now. So don't get too proud of yourself there. Now isn't it past your bedtime? You seem a widdle cwanky. If you think everyone that shaves their vag likes to show it off to the world, then you really are that naive. Someone's a little upset that Mommy wont let them buy razors? You probably haven't even gone through puberty yet. nighty night.

ok, im 13 too, and my vag is not being on public display.. its shaved because it is unhygenic to have some disgustingness all there. i shave it because it feels so disturbing to have some like long ass hair there. k, u dont even have armpit hair yet, u prob dont even have pubes. so stfu

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#130: wow. An argument over shaving pubes and you're basically calling me a future heroin addict. Mature, as always. Also, I don't call myself a nerd. I'm called a nerd by everybody else. I'm my school's biggest target. I'm called it when kids taunt me and you act as if I call myself it. It's not something I'm proud of you b**ch. Once again: Learn to read. I'm not a two year old, I don't need "Mommy's" permission to get razors. If you're so much older than me that you feel like you have the right to talk to me like that, then you're an adult with nothing better to do than bully a teen. You can't say I started it, either *which, yes, I know that's exactly what you'd say because you have the maturity of a Kindergartener* because the comments clearly show that you replied to my comment that was in no way directed to you. #131: "its shaved because it is unhygenic to have some disgustingness all there." There is NOTHING unhygienic about pubic hair at all and "disgustingness" isn't a word. Let me guess, your little friends told you that it was unhygienic while you were gabbing in the girlsroom at school, right? Or was it through the changing room door at Hollister? It's people like you that give teenage girls the stereotype of being valley girls. "i shave it because it feels so disturbing to have some like long ass hair there. k, u dont even have armpit hair yet, u prob dont even have pubes. so stfu" Actually, I do have pubes. Oh, but don't worry. Even though you were wrong, you sure showed me with your hideous grammar, obvious idiocy, second grade vocabulary, and "like" embarassingly weak insult.

pendulum2012 0

Dude, she didn't say that you are a future heroin addict, she said that being on the honor roll in middle school is not impressive at all because its really easy to get on, and even people that ended up being drug addicts were able to get on the honor roll in middle school. Everything that's being said is going way over your head, but what can we expect from an angry 13 year old who has some personal crusade against shaving pubes? You said: "Also, the only people who try to justify shaving pubes like you do are people who show off their vajayjay a lot. ****." Now THAT'S immature. And you are trying to tell everyone else that they are immature? Go to bed kid.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#137 I said she was "basically" calling me a future heroin addict. She didn't go right at and say it, but it was most definitely implied. I don't have a personal crusade against people shaving pubes. I don't think it's necessary or good, but what people do is their business. I just don't like the attitude. She started out being rude, so I was rude back. I was posting a comment that was my personal opinion and she goes calling me a hypocrite and saying completely false things. The things she said weren't only rude, but they showed COMPLETE ignorance. It peeves me a lot when I say something and somebody just has to go spouting ignorance. It peeves me worse when I'm treated like a child that doesn't know what I'm talking about. If she could have been civil, I could have been, too.

@ #120 lol any scientific statement is theory. Some are just alot more plausible than others. I doubt you could find scientists who said "I proved that..."

This is a little disturbing. You're 13 and you shave your ******? Sick.

"Today, I spent my day fighting about pubic hair over the Internet. FML." LOL, :) I'm not taking sides, but wow. If there's going to be an argument, should it not be about something worth fighting about? : Both of you of immature for even continuing this fight. It doesn't matter who started it, whoever continues it is just as bad. Just saying, I don't mean to offend, just stating my opinion. (Which might be offensive. :P If so, I apologize.)

Weren't you aware? The internet is SRS BZNS.

Thirteen year olds who think they're better than other people are just the coolest thing ever! Here's a hint: NO ONE cares what you have to say. NO ONE cares if you're on the honor roll in middle school. Your arguments don't make sense. For example, when #130 made her comment, it was completely illogical for you to say she was "basically" calling you a heroin addict. She was, in fact, pointing out that being on the honor roll does NOT make you part of an exclusive group. Oh, and before you try to attack me, I'm about to graduate with a 3.8 in both of my majors before I start working on my PhD next fall lose. In case you're wondering why adults are arguing with you online, since we're not in MIDDLE SCHOOL, most of us are on winter break still. It's hard for us to occupy our time when we aren't busy thinking we're better than everyone else and thinking being 13 and borderline smart makes us special...

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#159 I wrote one sentence on my profile that I was on the honor roll and she brought it up for absolutely no reason. I never said anyone cares and I know nobody does. Also, I don't think I'm better than anyone. Her first comment to me said nothing but the most ridiculous things and insults towards me. Out of aggravation, I replied something mean back. That was my mistake. She then posted things that she thought proved me wrong, and the last on her list was about my one sentence I had on my profile. The things she said were so false and she acted as if I were stupid. I know that taking it that way was irrational, but of course I called her stupid in my reply because I was angry. I don't think very much of myself, so no I don't think I'm better than anyone else. That's the point I'm trying to make in this comment. But, what I do know is I'm not "borderline smart". That's the only thing about myself I'm proud of. I am smart. Maybe not socially, but I'm counting on my grades to get me into a good college. I learn and comprehend things much faster than anybody else at my school. I think and act differently than them. I am nothing like the other kids, and that's why I take it so personally when I'm treated like a stupid little girl because I'm in middle school. I may seem like an immature brat on here, but in real life, I'm really sensitive. I don't take mean words well. I take mean words so personally because I was verbally abused by the kids I go to school with since second grade. I'm in 7th grade now and I'm not taunted by my classmates anymore, but I'm still the outcast. My self-esteem is nonexistent, so everytime I'm insulted, I really feel hurt. Even if it's online. Ugh. I hate being whiny, but that's the only way I could explain it. I apologize for the mean things I said to the person I was arguing with. She posted a rude comment and my emotions took control.

Fair enough. I was pretty similar to you back in the day but don't get your feelings hurt on FML. If you look around, almost everyone who comments has something idiotic to say.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#163 I don't want to fight, but is that seriously the best you can think of? *sighs* The argument over pubes is now officially over *waves flag in surrender* Truce?

w/e, i wasnt trying to ... b "creative" ? i was just trying to say im not going to even bother to say anymore. :D

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Mermaid, you're are awesome. Your arguements were simply brilliant, you have a wonderful vocabulary, and you're very mature. I agree 100% with what you're saying. Your arguements always stayed on topic, while those bloody cretins just go off with absolutely idiotic, ignorant statements, of which have not the slightest bit of truth behind them.

Seriously! She's a teen arguing with grown adults who don't know what they're talking about! Not all teenagers are idiots, and I'm tired of everyone assuming all teenagers are just brats or little kids who should "go to bed". Also, @MermaidSongXOXO, I understand being sensitive, but if you can't take an insult, don't comment on FML. Not because you aren't intelligent, but because this website, like the whole internet, is full of haters and trolls. What she said was mean, but answering back in kind did NOT help the situation. Why should this even be an argument? Seriously? If she doesn't shave, it's her business, because honestly, not everyone needs to shave everyday. The only REAL FML here is that she had a gyno appointment, which sucks worse than being alone. :)

+1 with 57, except, why shave your armpits? if you don't use t-shirts that show yours armpits i see no need to do it! Come on guy don't do it even if they are showing their armpits! i don't see why should we go through the pain of waxing (yes I never shave, always wax) when there is no need! I haven't 'shaved' for about a month and I live with my boyfriend and he has no problem! if he had he would have to shave too! And no it is not unhygienic, if you take a shower every day and you use deodorant there is absolutely no problem!

perdix 29

Are you shaving your pits and legs just so you can show the gyno the dramatic contrast between the rest of you and your enormous, matted Sasquatch bush? My uncle just retired after a long career as an OB/Gyn, I wish I had the guts to ask him what the ugliest pussy he ever saw was. I'd guess if you were one of his patients, you'd be in the Hall of Shame.

babydoll29 0

probably already said by previous commentors, however you would probably be more likely to get a date if you shaved more often.

dangletsbang21 0

yeah shaving everyday absoluetly sucks so i get it, but 6 weeks might if been a little bit to long, I understand your legs not being shaved for awhile but shaving your pits take what 2 minutes, it's so easy. but fyl for being lonely :(