By hairybetty - 05/01/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I shaved my legs and armpits for the first time in 6 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't have a hot date, I just had my yearly gyno exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 173
You deserved it 8 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pony_barometer 0

Well I maybe know the reason why you don't have a hot date.

wtf?! you dont shave at least your armpits reguarly?!


Maybe if you shaved your legs and armpits more often, you'd have a better chance of getting a hot date.

sportsnut 0

should have shaved the cooter in addition to the other two hahahaha

MiseryAlice 0

Maybe this is why you didn't have a hot date

I hate shaving my legs, but as for my pits, it takes me two seconds so I don't mind. Hey if you don't wanna shave that's your business especially if no one is going to see. I'm sure you shower regularly so you're clean. At least you're warm during the cold weather....

luuuu20 0

wow. 6 weeks without shavin your armpits ........ y would u do that no offense bit wasn't gross I have to shave my armpits like 2 times a week and in the summer more but not shavin your legs uhhh that's like a must for me I mean in winter I understand but still

I've never understood why people in America are so stupid about women shaving their legs. Seriously, it's just hair.

Shaving more doesn't mean you'd get a date. If you're ugly and you shave, you're just a shaved, clean ugly person. No offence, OP. Maybe you're pretty!! I am female and shave my legs AT LEAST once a week because it gets itchy and it's hard to sleep for me. Sometimes every 4-5 days. I shave my armpits the second they get shave worthy, that's easy takes 20 seconds. Pubes: I found as long as you go with the grain, you can shave there. If you go against, prepare for pain. What disturbs me is usually people shave for their own comfort (itchiness) and personal care regime. I can't imagine 6 week legs unless I was grossly sick.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

So not shaving means they're dirty? Also, your leg hairs itch? Mine feel sorta prickly if I touch them with my finger, but I never had problems with itchiness.

what, like a guy? just because she didn't shave does not mean she didn't shower.

I think you've given up on finding a guy and are letting yourself go. You should take better care of your hygiene, exercise daily, eat healthy 6 days a week, and go out and make some friends. Good luck.

hey its winter, what's the point in shaving if you are going to wear pants and long sleeves anyway? assuming nobody's going to see/touch your bare leg :P