By hairybetty - 05/01/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I shaved my legs and armpits for the first time in 6 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't have a hot date, I just had my yearly gyno exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 173
You deserved it 8 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pony_barometer 0

Well I maybe know the reason why you don't have a hot date.

wtf?! you dont shave at least your armpits reguarly?!


If she wears jeans or long pants/skirt all the time she doesn't really have to shave. Whereas if she was going on a date she may wear shorts or a short skirt. Hence the need to shave. I don't know whether to say FYL or YDI to be honest... FYL for not having a hot date... But YDI for not shaving for 6 weeks. Thats a bit gross.

@boog, gynos have to see "angry beavers" almost everyday...

fobchick 0

I am a chick and I shave the pits, vag a couple times a week, but shaving your legs everyday sucks! I am on 3 weeks no leg shaves, but then again it's winter and I wear jeans. :)

Ew, I don't even wear shirts that show my armpits, but I still shave them.

DavidCaruso 0

Sounds like you've found yourself in... (Takes off glasses) ...A hairy situation... (yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh!!!)

maybe now that you've shaved, you'll get asked out? afterall, I dunno any guy who likes hairy women.

cookies_for_you 0

not shaving your legs in winter is fine, but not shaving armpits? i can't not shave mine everyday, it's just unhygienic :-/

Actually, it's unhygenic to shave your armpits that frequently since we use anti-perspirant deodorants after; and all deodorants for women are anti-perspirant - because hair is made to allow our sweat to get excreted out of the body. When you shave that hair, the sweat & all the odorous bacteria that form remain stuck inside your body, and then you add a layer of antiperspirant deodorant that keeps all that sweat locked inside your body for hours until you shower. Guess what all that built-in, locked up bacterial sweat does EVERYDAY when you shave & use anti-perspirant? Here's a hint: it's related to the alarming increase rates of breast cancer cases we hear about today... (and all that to FEEL that we're not sweating) If you're going to shave everyday, you'd be safer either 1) not using deodorant for women & showering as often as you sweat, or 2) using men's unscented deodorant if you're desperately convinced that armpits need to be shaved daily. I'm not saying I don't think we shouldn't shave our armpits, I personally find hairy armpits on women repulsive, but I don't think you need to do it daily... I do it once every 2-3 days and there is hardly anything to shave by the 3rd day...

These FMLs about body hair bug me for two reasons. Firstly, half the comments seem to be written by absolute idiots (how can not shaving your armpits be so 'unhygienic' if males aren't expected to do it too? Does that make the majority of males automatically dirty and unhygienic?) Secondly, having body hair seems such a stupid thing to complain about - if it bothers you THAT much that you have body hair, then shave it. You don't need to have a 'hot date' to shave, you don't even need to be wearing clothes that show your underarms/legs/whatever. You can shave any time you like! How 'bout that?