By hairybetty - 05/01/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I shaved my legs and armpits for the first time in 6 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't have a hot date, I just had my yearly gyno exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 173
You deserved it 8 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pony_barometer 0

Well I maybe know the reason why you don't have a hot date.

wtf?! you dont shave at least your armpits reguarly?!


wildnose94 0

I don't understand why everyone thinks that not shaving under your armpits is disgusting. True, it doesn't even take a minute, but seriously? How is it disgusting and dirty? Do you immediately get dirt in your armpits when you don't shave? No. As long as you wash yourself, they should be clean. It's not disturbing, or disgusting or gross, that doesn't make any sense. I didn't shave my legs or armpits really during winter, because who's going to see me huh? Who? There's no point in shaving your legs if you are the only one that sees it. I didn't smell, I didn't feel dirty, I felt normal. You can't feel armpit hair!

okay so i am a female and i shave EVERYWHERE on a daily basis. as for those of you who think that it makes us bleed or have pain or whatever, it does not. i dont know how you are shaving but youre not doing it right. and whether you think someone is going to see it or not, what if you get in a wreck and they cut your clothes off? do you want the attractive attending doctor, etc to see your disgusting hairy body? so SHAVE already.

wildnose94 0

If I was in a car wreck and was injured badly enough that they had to cut my cloths off, I wouldn't care about how hairy I was.

lol, I don't think the doctor would care much either. I don't think tapping that is on his mind when you're bleeding out on the table in front of him. Have fun with your lack of self-esteem and sense of self-worth there, dear.

JayCarr15 0

ewww your suppose to shave your armpits at least everyday! no wonder you never have a hot date!

enjoy your razorburn, o holy saint of hygiene.

wildnose94 0

Why would you shave everyday? Does your armpit hair grow enough that you need to shave it daily?

@#169: I need to shave them every day because it really does grow that fast on me. Though I usually only do it every 2 or 3 days.

if I shave i would also have to do it daily... thus i don't ! I used to do it and my skin became dark in the armpits! THAT I found disgusting, not having some natural hair in the armpits or in your pubic zone!

dropxdeadxgeneva 0

xD hahaa, damn that's a bit sad. But I won't lie I did that this week.

ewwwww u didn't shave for six weeks!!!!!! that's discusting!!!!!

j163637 0

i LOVE hairy girls. my ideal girl wouldnt ever shave anything. im not gay or anything and im not hairy at all either. the OP or any other girl that likes to be hairy and sees this should email me sometime [email protected]

WTF?!?!Hot date or not,atleast shave your armpits...

You don't have to care what others may think about body hair, for only your own opinion matters. It's your body and your decision. If your self-esteem doesn't revolve around getting attention from boys, then you obviously aren't obligated to shave. There is no law that says women have to be without body hair.

bryttanicutter 2

I havnt shaved in like 3 months it's winter and I'm blonde