By AquaKelly - 24/12/2014 01:48 - United States - Newark

Today, I set a trap to catch a mouse that ran across my foot. Not only did the trap shut on my finger twice, but I watched the mouse run over the trap without it snapping shut. I guess I have a new roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 820
You deserved it 4 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy a cat and name him Tom. Let the shenanigans commence!

This is why the board game is so much better. The worst that could happen is the metal ball landed on your piece!


Dodge4x4Ram 46

Barrow a friend's cat & you'll see results the same day

tantanpanda 26

I think "Jerry" would be a better name.

Well I would say to try using the sticky traps instead but all things considered that might end very badly

no. the sticky pads are just horrendous. they have to literally starve to death, unless you bash their head in to put them out of their misery. mouse traps are the best way to go, less horrible.

Well I guess if the regular traps aren't working he could always befriend the little guy. Who knows maybe it's a good cook.

Not if you find them fast enough. They can be handed over to SPCA or use gloves and pull the mouse away from the pad and release it outside. The best is a trap box actually because you can catch them and release them after without hurting them or leaving sticky residue on them. Just leave food in the box to bait and feed it for a bit until you come back to it.

orbit 22

I'f you release them do it far away from your house so it doesn't come back. Or put it in an unlinked neighbors house.

I've always found a bucket trap (minus the water and plus a wad paper towels to soften the fall) to be very effective for me, I've caught every local pest including mice, chipmunks, rats, and once the neighbors hamster (which was quite a suprise)

This is why the board game is so much better. The worst that could happen is the metal ball landed on your piece!

Buy a cat and name him Tom. Let the shenanigans commence!

Jerry was the mouse. Tom was the cat. Tom cat-- get it?

tantanpanda 26

he usually never catches him though. OP will then still have a mouse but with the addition of a nearly-destroyed apartment.

I meant to call op Tom, but thanks for misunderstanding my make vague joke bro.

Hopefully you can get rid of it before it multiples into an army

Try a humane catch trap. Less messy and if the mouse grabbed the bait off the last trap, it'll have to run into the humane one to get the bait and not over it.

juturnaamo 29

I was just going to suggest this. My roommates tried kill traps for months with no luck, I caught 5 mice in a week.

ask him/her to chip in for rent or he can cook like ratatouille.

XBurytheCastleX 25

Get a safe trap, no pain on your part and it traps the mouse when it goes after the food.