By AquaKelly - 24/12/2014 01:48 - United States - Newark

Today, I set a trap to catch a mouse that ran across my foot. Not only did the trap shut on my finger twice, but I watched the mouse run over the trap without it snapping shut. I guess I have a new roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 813
You deserved it 4 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy a cat and name him Tom. Let the shenanigans commence!

This is why the board game is so much better. The worst that could happen is the metal ball landed on your piece!


First, try to use the trap you already have with a stickier bait, like peanut butter, that the mouse can't just snatch up on the run. If that doesn't work, go find one of those plastic snap traps. They have a pheromon on them so you don't have to bait them, and they go off easier and work for lighter mice than the wood/metal traps. If that fails, too get a box trap. They work best if you only have very few mice to catch as you have to set them free very far away from your place. But the mouse has to go deep into the trap for the bait, and when it turns around to get out, the trap closes.

You set a trap to catch a mouse, instead it got your finger. It didn't snap, the mouse ran free, and now it's there to linger.

HighasaCloud 46

Glueboards work better. I know I know so cruel, but better than having rodents crapping in your house and chewing everything up.