By killer - 17/07/2010 14:54 - United States

Today, I was outside when a mouse ran toward my feet. There was a wall behind me, so I tried to jump over him. He changed course, and I landed on him. It crunched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 838
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Your cat-like reflexes would make you an excellent ninja. Poor mousie :[


lol @ 1 better than the cage?? that would be a weird feeling I think

Well, that solves tonight's dinner issue.

I enjoy how instead of comments being made after the first, they reply to it instead =P

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

:'( Poor mousie. May you rest in pieces.

oh wow you killed a mouse... your life is so ******.

Giorgio272 2

I'd like to gives thanks to monsanto. if only they though of this before agent orange. god bless monsanto.

Poor Jerry, Tom is really happy now.

why is it an fml ??? because u killed a disgusting mouse that eats everything ?? or that u stained the carpet ??

RachelBerry_fml 5

44- OP may have been outside and maybe she feels bad for killing it as a girl i know that would freak me out o.O

HonestJoe 0

I would have screamed my lungs out until I started coughing up blood!!

JokingJoe 0

if only mice could post FMLs.

eazyeeze 0

Today, my mom, Minnie told me that my dad, Mickey had a whale drop on him, hence taking his life. Now my mom has to do triple run to get that cheese and raise our rat pack. **** you, Free Willy!  FML

ewwwwwwwww !!! nasty as hell. fyl for going through that lol.

msyelowbubblegum 0

awwwww :( poor mouse!!! eww too thts nasty.. i culdnt live if i ever stomped on a mouse i would feel soo bad and disgusted blegh! aww:(

haha great description..."it crunched" hahaha

hahaiseeyou 0

its more like f the mouses life

zltzlt 0

so you killed a mouse. that sucks for the mouse! what are you whinging about?

wow this us a gay fml I don't see how stepping on a mouse is a fml ...ooooh big deal

_Vamp_ 9

Oh god, you killed Jerry you bastard!

isaiaha11 2
christa953 12
ArtIsResistance7 1

Your cat-like reflexes would make you an excellent ninja. Poor mousie :[

allen20 0

i saw someone kick a squirrel yesterday how sad

softballgirl16 0
senalina 0

i would have used a mouse trap but hey if it works!!

Why is this such a big deal.? These FMLs are getting worse by the days. 

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

Maybe the OP doesn't like KILLING?!

mackmillydilly 0

Yeah, ew. I don't even like killing bugs, let alone a rodent.

I have a lot of mice in my back yard can I hire u?

Pretty gross. My boyfriend ran over a possum and I heard it pop. Very disturbing.

erockinthesuburb 17
Arsonnist 3

Why is "it crunched" the punchline? What did you expect it to do?

I believe that's her "FML". Even I still have a horrible memory of accidentally stepping on many beetles and hearing that disgusting and horrible crunch. Gives me goosebumps. never gonna get it out of my mind. ever.