By milkysubstance - 14/03/2017 05:00 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I went to the doctor's to find out why I was producing small amounts of milky liquid from my nipples, even though I'm not pregnant. When she asked me to show her, I squirted on her shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 124
You deserved it 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PeaceSignQueen 6

did you find out what was the issue at least

The good news that if you are a squirter, there are some nice employment opportunities for you in the film industry ;)


PeaceSignQueen 6

did you find out what was the issue at least

Not sure what the doctor was expecting with one

Coffee5555 14

The good news that if you are a squirter, there are some nice employment opportunities for you in the film industry ;)

ImminentDisaster 12

Phantom pregnancy? My cousins dog had that.

neuronerd 28

Certain antipsychotics/anxiety meds cause that. But yeah, at least it happened at the doctor's office. They're used to embarrassing stuff.

LavenderCrow 12

I hope it's not breast cancer, OP. I also hope you figure out what it is soon and get it treated! Must be super awkward. :/