By Marou - 25/12/2008 01:54 - France

Today, I sent a text message to a guy I like, saying, "Dear Santa, I want to fall in love." He replied: "Wait for next Christmas..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 345
You deserved it 11 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry, but that was a corny line. And I have heard (and used) my lion's share of bad pick-up lines.

jamers113 0

why's the guy you like santa? ..that's just odd.


I'm sorry, but that was a corny line. And I have heard (and used) my lion's share of bad pick-up lines.

druggielove 0

are you a library book? cause you've got fine written all over you!! :) haha pickup lines are cool

wowthatshorrible_fml 0
FlickMyBean 0

If you want to, you never will.

TriflingAllDay 6

Thats an epic block on his part.

LyLa_fml 0

Okay, first that was a terrible line on your part. Second, he could have let you down easier.

why the hell woudl you do that, thats so stupid, seriuosly

tangerine_12 0

i dont know why but i think people from france have the worst FMLs. no offence.

jamers113 0

why's the guy you like santa? ..that's just odd.