By Dope - 24/12/2008 11:23 - United States

Today, I tried to sell 2,000 options contracts, but I bought them instead, resulting in a big loss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 729
You deserved it 23 288

Same thing different taste

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I bet I am one of the only readers on this website, besides the poster, that actually knows what an Option Contract is!

#2 is probly right cause my responce was going to be something like what the **** are you babilling about


I bet I am one of the only readers on this website, besides the poster, that actually knows what an Option Contract is!

I know what they are too! Specializin in finance for my diploma :D

#2 is probly right cause my responce was going to be something like what the **** are you babilling about

bitch_pleez 10

Probably* because* response* babbling* LEARN TO SPELL, FUCKTARD!!!!!

Mcstud1y 30

You would think you would be killing Jews with that amount of grammar nazi.

hi. i'm the guy who does his job. you must be the other guy.

Oh well, at least it isn't your money you lost (apart from your bonus).

dahockeymasta12 0

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You're 12. The only thing you know about finance is the allowance you receive from your parents.

Actually, he's 16 or 17 now, so he probably knows more about finance than he did in 2009...

I doubt it would be that difficult to grasp, you probably wouldn't need to know a whole lot about finance (if you do anyway)

he's had plenty of time to figure it out

Options are not easy to explain. They are a right but not an obligation to purchase a set number of shares or goods at a predetermined price at a future date from another party.

the OP had the option of being interesting, he didn't exercise it.

ehhh 9th! haha and its been 2 and a half years.

Scottz 0

I an 10th I would like to thank every one who supported me threw this time! You guys rock!

Yeah. I'm 11th and I'm posting this 2 and a half years after the FML was posted. Not much of an accomplishment there.