By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 05:04 - United States

Today, I saw a spider in my bathtub, so instead of killing it, i decided to bring my dog inside the bathroom to kill the spider for me. Turns out that the spider was a black widow, and my dog was bit. The dog killed the spider. The spider killed my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 90 157
You deserved it 185 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oiii, that's so terrible!! I'm sorry to hear that. ):

vicious_ 0

Wow. This is why you run water when the spider is in the bathtub. Poor dog.


what kind of person makes their dog kill a spider? (and what kind of dog do you have that it eats spiders without a second thought?) this is terrible, but also totally your fault.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You should watch the Discovery channel a little bit more. Especially the ones on poisonous bug, rodents, snake, etc. You can learn a lot. You're fault, I always use a heavy newspaper or large book to kill bugs. A black widow should have been very easy to recognize, and I always remember reading books about dangerous creatures and what not, black widow being one of them when I was a kid. It doesn't live in my area but the possibility is still there. There is also another poisonous spider that can kill, it's brown but don't remember the name.

Do dogs eat spiders? That's eight kinds of gross. Dog food, dude. Dog food!

I really wish there was a mandatory intelligence test prior to owning a pet.

If this is true, then rest in peace little dog. You went down fighting, respect!

I usually keep a magazine in the bathroom in case of spiders, but I am so sorry!! How old was the dog?

I often get spiders in my bathtub. They crawl up the drain. If you wash them down, they very often just crawl back up, so washing it down probably wouldn't've worked. Luckily, I live in a place where there aren't any poisonous spiders. =/

you asshole, people like you shouldn't be allowed to live. how do you not know what a black widow spider looks like?!