Riverdale is a lie

By that1summergirl - 19/09/2019 12:00 - Canada

Today, I called my boyfriend at 2 a.m., telling him I couldn't sleep. He replied, "Well, I can," and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 840
You deserved it 2 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

I’d be mad at you too. Who likes to be woken up from a sound sleep just to hear someone whining? Next time, read a book until you get sleepy. Don’t wake someone else up.

So he shouldn’t sleep since you can’t? Rude.


TomeDr 24

I’d be mad at you too. Who likes to be woken up from a sound sleep just to hear someone whining? Next time, read a book until you get sleepy. Don’t wake someone else up.

So he shouldn’t sleep since you can’t? Rude.

make sure that somebody is awake or at the very least amenable to being woken up in the dead of night before you call them because you can't sleep. that should be emergencies only.

So basically you couldn't sleep and decided that other people shouldn't either and then got upset that they weren't happy about you waking them up? If someone calls me in the middle of the night, I pick up thinking that someone had an accident and is now in hospital, not that they randomly decided I shouldn't be sleeping.

If someone calls me at that time I don’t answer with hello. I answer with “Who died?” and if I don’t hear a name next I hang up.

Mathalamus 24

It's a bit rude to call just because you can't sleep.

If I was dating someone and they did that, I’d seriously look at how needy and high maintenance that person was. I hope there was a real reason you couldn’t sleep and needed to talk to someone.

I wouldn't have even answered. If you can't sleep then go watch a movie.

ScottishSteak 3

2 am? I'd consider that early. Then again, I'm nocturnal.

julfunky 29

You’re the absolute worst kind of girlfriend. Just sayin.