By dre_bro11 - 06/11/2011 12:17 - Australia

Today, I found the same spider which I had let live yesterday hidden in my bath towel. I didn't find it until it was smeared on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 063
You deserved it 12 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazyrunnergirl 7

If your gonna let it live then at least put it outside.

Capt_Oblivious 10

And you knew it was the same spider how? Did you give it a name and name tag?


crazyrunnergirl 7

If your gonna let it live then at least put it outside.

cudi504 4

How did she know it was the same spider

Damn_Hippster 11

That's the spiders way of saying "thank you"

that is why i kill every spider that i can. i. *******. hate. spiders.

pie29302930 0

Your picture is funny, yet scares the shit outta me at the same time since its so weird. Lol

itschubbycake 6

You should of put him outside or put that little ****** to sleep.

33 - it's a spider not a 'little ******'... Dick.

n_epic_fail 14

What you should do when finding a spider: -ghetto stomp it -swat it with a shoe -scream and then swat it with a shoe -(if ur one of those life saver types) take it OUTSIDE! -after the fallowing steps are complete, THEN you may take a shower.

itschubbycake 6

36- spiders are little ******* because they scare me >.

Marcella1016 31

umm what happened to the other FML they just posted about the chick's bf giving her a key and changing the locks??

kelsey_katie 17
fml8396 0

Bahaha that's why when u see a spider u need to kill that hoe!!!

when did we get on the topic of gardening? O.o

2ndSucks 15

I never kill spiders without a gardening hoe. I thought that was normal..

No it's breakfast in bed. OP just got a little impatient with the breakfast on her/his face.

should've just killed it when you first saw it.

whyy didn't youu just kill it when youu first saw it?!

KiddNYC1O 20

They have a right to live too!

Yes they do. They eat annoying mosquitos and shit-eating flies, remember?

monkeybanana 7

I agree with 1... Who let's a spider live that's in their house?

hannahcorrine 0

That's what you get for being nice ;)

Capt_Oblivious 10

And you knew it was the same spider how? Did you give it a name and name tag?

Little OP muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, who sat down beside her, and fri.......was used to wipe OPs face.

Curds and whey is old fashion cottage cheese. Just thought I'd throw in a fun fact since I enjoyed your rhyme. (:

mintcar 9

If you want a bug to live, you're supposed to pick it up and place it outside. Not allow it to wander in your home. WTF? FYL, this is pretty disgusting.