By Steffi3 - 14/05/2016 16:29 - United States

Today, there was a spider in my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 316
You deserved it 68

Same thing different taste


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these are so dumb. if i wanted unfunny pictures i would download ifunny

Ashd09 30

Totally agree with #3. You're trying too hard to be "funny" and it's just ruining the experience for me. Since yall won't listen when I comment in the play store I'm just throwing this out there.

Railroader 16

Yeah these pictures are not good. Now if posters of legit FMLs could add related photos to their posts.... Well that would be a different story.

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

Railroader 16

Yeah these pictures are not good. Now if posters of legit FMLs could add related photos to their posts.... Well that would be a different story.

These jokes are almost as terrible as minion quotes

This is actually amusing. At the very least it made me smile to myself while reading.