By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 02:33 - United States

Today, I saw a lesbian couple walking through the mall. One of the ladies walked up to me in the middle of the busy mall and started screaming at me about how rude it is to stare, and how we are all equal- straight or not. I was only staring because I'm a lesbian too, and they were hot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 187 288
You deserved it 29 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Right answer: "sorry, stared, because you seemed hot, but, dont worry, I wont do it again - now i know that you are a bitch"


iloveyouu_ 1

LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO. that is totally funny wow what a bitch though. lmao lmao. lmao.

Thats happened to me before but not the exact same situation lol

this is FML for just screaming at people in public places and assuming people must be hating on her for being lesbian.

Wow....Can someone say overreaction? lol

God damn all you people saying 3-some, not all lesbians are ******, most girls who do that are poser bi girls who want attention. :/

blaz_fml 0

I know exactly how that goes.

zomgitsbrilol 0

you should have been like hey im not trying to be rude, i just think you two are hot and we should totally have a 3some.

You deserved it. Next time approach them and tell them that, don't make them feel like outcasts.