By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 02:33 - United States

Today, I saw a lesbian couple walking through the mall. One of the ladies walked up to me in the middle of the busy mall and started screaming at me about how rude it is to stare, and how we are all equal- straight or not. I was only staring because I'm a lesbian too, and they were hot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 187 288
You deserved it 29 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Right answer: "sorry, stared, because you seemed hot, but, dont worry, I wont do it again - now i know that you are a bitch"


FML_a_Must 7

lool #14 she so shouldve said that to her

When I read this, I didn't think this was a FMY or YDI at all. I think this really shows what kind of effect it has on the LGBT community and how it makes those individuals. Equality for all!

Lol, you should have put her in her place. When she was done, you should have looked at her and said, "You know, you're pretty hot, but you've got an awfully big mouth."

Baha.. The exact same thing happened to me like 2 days ago. Someone yelled at me for staring at two girls holding hands saying the same stuff the girl said to you. And I'm a lesbian too lmao

gracegracegrace 0

What's with all of the threesome comments? Do you people even know any lesbians?

# 44 That's soo mean but so funny. And seriosuly do you reeeeaaallly think Hitler was straight? I mean really?

haha nice! what a bitch though (her not you)

efngreat 0

lol at #99 that is ******* great