By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 02:33 - United States

Today, I saw a lesbian couple walking through the mall. One of the ladies walked up to me in the middle of the busy mall and started screaming at me about how rude it is to stare, and how we are all equal- straight or not. I was only staring because I'm a lesbian too, and they were hot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 187 288
You deserved it 29 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Right answer: "sorry, stared, because you seemed hot, but, dont worry, I wont do it again - now i know that you are a bitch"


Dude lesbians are hot. If you told them how you felt they would've been flatter and feel terrible for yelling at you.

I don't understand why this FML has gone so heavily in favour of the OP. Is it just because she's a woman, not a dude. For example, imagine the following: Today I saw an inter-racial couple in the mall. The man walked up to me and started screaming that it was rude to stare, how I'm a bigot born 4 decades past my time, &c. &c. I was only staring because his girlfriend had a great body. FML everyone would have voted "you deserved that"

WayneStorm 0

#188 -- I disagree with you completely. Your example isn't even relevant to what the OP was talking about. She was talking about TWO lesbians, and how she finds them BOTH attractive. You are talking about ONE man checking out ANOTHER man's girlfriend. Of course he's going to find that offensive! And it's not likely to even find discrimination against bi-racial couples nowadays. Bi-racial marriage wasn't allowed in the west coast of the US YEARS ago. Gay marriage is illegal NOW.

I totally would have been staring too. XD

hahaha. you should have told her that! ;] i hope you did. 119: actually it's veeeery easy to find discrimination against bi-racial couples nowadays. just not legally. how nice.

dumbshet101 0

Oh damn, if a hot straight girl was starring and my girlfriend and I, I would be asking her if she wanted to join instead of telling her to stop starring.

WOWW. did you tell her that of yourself...? even if shes a stranger you don't really wanna tell that to...she had the audacity to approach you about looking, she should get her crap set right.