By AE86Turbo - 03/05/2011 05:22 - United States

Today, I saw a car swerving in front of me on the freeway, so I whipped out my cell to report the DUI. As soon as it started ringing, I see police lights in my rear view and got slapped with a ticket for using a cell phone while driving. After explaining why, the officer said, "Nice try." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 780
You deserved it 28 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you just show him the last number dialed on your phone? I'm sure that a cop would know the local police phone number

It probably wasn't a DUII was probably just a person using their cell phone, just like you. I see it all the time, especially with texters.


sorry I couldn't stop laughing at this!!

Haha, yup that's the police in California alright, my sisters boyfriend has at least been pulled over 5 times.

Captainipples 0
prince122 0

yea that's what you get for being a snake.

skaterpaige 3

yah i dont feel bad laughing at this one cuz he was being a jerk. soo.... LOL.

#46 he was being a jerk for trying to report a failure of a driver? Yes he should have pulled over before making the phone call and he would have suffered none, but wtf? People like you make me worry for our world...

Predental 5

YDI for causing a stir. 『』

smileeee_fml 0
thebestof1984 0

34, how is that snitching? If that idiot or any drunk driver crashed into your car, would it be snitching still? Get some common sense.

you guys are retards DUI kills teens everyday so does texting the dui driver could have killed anyone

Iknoweverything 29

Huh... I totally get why people "reply" to the first post. You don't have to do all the scrolling yourself and read everyone elses stuff. And it's only taken me several months to figure it out! (Yeah, I missed the obvious.) As to my comment... KNOW THE LAW. If the law says stay off your cell phone, STAY off your phone! There isn't any excuse. Had you not been swerving enough to get the officer to notice you on your phone, more than likely he could have caught the so-called DUI-er. (Who was probably another person on his cell)

87, you do realize there are programs all across the US that state that if you see a drunk or suspicious driver to call them in right? You're a moron.

mandywaffles 0

1. the funniest pic I have seen on FML

HugeRedRash 0

You all are stupid for saying YDI. Next time any of you drive I hope some drunk slams you head on with his car.

TroII 0

YDI = Yugoslavian Dog Interstates OP = Orphaned Platypus FYL = French Yogurt Lynching anymore questions?

Felicci 0

hoping something bad for others is bad. sooner or later you will be the one with a slam drunk driver

W0 0

you deserved it... retard...

YDI for electing California a-holes who take away your privileges.

thnx for telling me btw 138 ur a retard !

fightin4fun 0

California sucks! you can't talk on a cell while driving? what kinda BS is that?

Sourcream1 0

Ok what the hell is wrong with you!? Do you know how many people die from drunkdriving everyday? How could you say this guy is a jerk when all he meant to do was get a hazard off the road?! yes he should have pulled over to call because thats also dangerous BUT thats not the point just please think next time before you put something as idiotic as this

deliciouscake 3

Maybe the guy in front of you was calling the police on the guy in front of him!

you deserved it, just mind your own business if it doesn't concern you

CommonSenseKarma 17

It happens, and that's probably a very common excuse. Sorry.

GreenBud_fml 0

that's what you get for snitching.

This "snitching" could save someones life.

hannah5 1

You really did deserve this. If you were that concerned you should have pulled over to make the call somewhere it was safe to do so. I absolutely hate seeing people using their mobiles while driving, it is SO dangerous.

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it's even more dangerous when bitches put on their makeup while driving

Anai08 17

I'm sorry, but who does this?! Who honestly pulls over every time they get a call so they 'aren't distracted'? Getting headsets so your hands are free makes much more sense, or even cutting your calls short. But even then no one becomes a ridiculously horrible driver the second they pick up the phone (although the putting on makeup thing, yeah that's pretty bad). I'm shocked at the negative response on here when I'm quite sure most drivers have at the very least used their phones on occasion while driving. It's so easy to be hypocritical and judgmental on the Internet....

HugeRedRash 0

I disagree with number 3. I drive with my feet and brake/gas with my hands and use my knees to shift while texting. What's the big deal?

I agree that using your cell while driving can be dangerous, but I thought most people would be smart enough to use a headset like #110 said. Another point I want to make is that OP was on the freeway. Where were they supposed to pull over? Wouldn't it be more dangerous and time consuming to pull over on the freeway?

Talking on a mobile in the UK whilst driving is completely illegal, if I get a call or text whilst driving it gets ignored. If you're too lazy to pull over then you shouldn't be using the phone in the first place, because who knows where else you're slack about your driving.

ReynshineCutting 10

How is talking on the phone ANY different than talking to the person sitting next to you? Other than the split second it takes to glance at your phone to see who's calling or the 3 seconds to dial a number, it's no more dangerous than talking to your passengers.

127, apparently there have been studies showing that talking on a cell, even on a headset, is more distracting than talking to someone who is in the car, though no one's sure why. given that no one gets pulled over for eating and driving, drinking coffee while driving, etc., this does seem kind of like a shameless ploy to get the city or state more revenue.

Good Lord people, believe it or not, it's entirely possible to *gasp* not take one goddamned call or text if you're driving. You ignore it until you're stopped. If it's that important to you, pull over when you're off the highway. *shakes fist* Kids these days, with their raps and their shooting all the jobs...

im3733 4

how can you record all of the information needed for an officer to find the car if you can't read it directly to the operator? writing while driving is at least as dangerous as calling someone.

Calling is not "SO" dangerous. It's dangerous when people on cell phones pay more attention to their call than the road. Before it was illegal and everyone was on a religious crusade against cell phone use, I as I'm sure many others made it a point to pay more attention to the road than their call. I'd rather someone call the police on a visibly reckless driver than ignore it entirely.

PYLrulz 17

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be legal, calling the police about a dangerous driver on the road?

HugeRedRash 0

people in the world are so stupid today. let's abolish religion and government. anarchy and atheism FTW!!

sabrecaz 0

hey eric, you should shut the **** up

funnyFMLSplz 0

I agree. my step dad once broke into my moms house they took about 20 mins. something could of happened ;/ they take way to long.

why didn't you just show him the last number dialed on your phone? I'm sure that a cop would know the local police phone number

Why wouldn't it show in your log? Typing in an invalid set of numbers (or just one) even show in your call log... at least on my phone it will.

Takador 3

Hehehe that law don't exist in this country :)

smileydancer92 2
TurboTalon 0

He's trying to trick you idiots into calling 911. I agree though all you had to do was show him the phone. And if this person was swerving why didn't he notice?

daviddgaf 3

hahaa that bites!! for you!!

It probably wasn't a DUII was probably just a person using their cell phone, just like you. I see it all the time, especially with texters.

Maybe that person was calling for another DUI for another driver who actually wasn't drunk and was actually calling for a DUI for another driver and there was just this huge line of people on phones

The worst is when teens text. Because then it's just Luke "guys really? Way to reinforce the stereotype"

texting while driving is as dangerous if not more dangerous than dui

You definitely deserved this... being dangerous yourself in order to complain about others. Yes, I also hate it when I see crazy people on the road swerving like they're drunk, but I also know that calling and texting behind the steeringwheel can be just as dangerous and can also make you zigzag like a boozed-up person.

Anai08 17

I'm sorry, but being really intoxicated and using your phone are two COMPLETELY different levels of being impaired. Are you more prone to distraction and inattention while on the phone? Sure. But not nearly as much as when your driving drunk and most of your visual and motor senses are largely shot to hell. Especially if OP was only going to briefly use his phone to call the cops and not have a ling conversation. He doesn't even have to take his eyes off the road! I would prefer someone on their phone to someone drunk out of their mind on the road with me any day.

Skylansmile 11

Not calling? Texting yes. I have texted while driving and I shouldn't have because I notice I do swerve. I have NEVER been swerving or driving crazy or anything because I was looking at the road with a phone to my head..?

In simple terms so you will understand. You, sir, are an idiot.

CateXOX 0

YDI. You were almost as bad as the driver in front of you, don't use your handheld while driving, no matter what. You could have easily pulled over to use it.

Anai08 17

I'm sorry, but being really intoxicated and using your phone are two COMPLETELY different levels of being impaired. Are you more prone to distraction and inattention while on the phone? Sure. But not nearly as much as when your driving drunk and most of your visual and motor senses are largely shot to hell. Especially if OP was only going to briefly use his phone to call the cops and not have a ling conversation. He doesn't even have to take his eyes off the road! I would prefer someone on their phone to someone drunk out of their mind on the road with me any day.

Pulling over does you no good in that situation. 911 will want you to follow the car until an officer gets there to pull them over. if you stop and the DUI drives off into the sunset, it would be a wild goose chase and you might as well have never called in the first place. How do I know this? I've got five DUI call-ins to date.

shadow33456 1

YDI for using ur cellphone..newb