By Anonymous - 29/10/2013 18:57 - Zimbabwe

Today, I rushed to a dentist's appointment. Once in the chair, I apologized for not having had the time to brush my teeth beforehand. He responded with, "Ah that's alright, I just took a piss and forgot to wash my hands." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 850
You deserved it 13 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I am so sorry that's a situation that no one should be in

\ 28

He sounds cynical... Maybe he considers toothbrushing to be just as important as hand-washing

Don't know why you're being thumbed down, Booda_Shun. Your statement is valid as well as being completely plausible. Maybe people don't like to think that OPs can take things the wrong way or exaggerate an FML?

They're not in much of a situation. If he was serious, OP could easily leave and later aid in the shutting down of the facility. But it's more than likely that they were just joking around.

But dentists wear gloves.... Still gross though...

There is no way the dentist was being serious.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I assumed the dentist lied to freak you out because you hadn't brushed your teeth, so he was kinda like "well if you don't brush your teeth I wont wash my hands."

I'm sure (hoping) that the dentist was only joking! It does sound like he was.

That's why I keep mouthwash around. If it's too late to brush, just gargle real quick.

88 - Our dentist keeps floss and mouthwash in the powder room in his office. No excuse to have a completely dirty mouth before going in.

110, what has his location got to do with this?!

suboy 10

Theres been a lot of dentist related FMLs lately.

He's not being serious dumby 1.)That's illegal (unsanitary) 2.)He most likely wears gloves (hopefully scent flavored like the ones I got a a kid) The doc is just trying to make a connection that not brushing your teeth is just as rude as him not washing his hands.

Dentist in Africa, namely Zimbabwe...I don't believe the Dentist is joking.

I don't think not brushing your teeth right before a dentist appointment is necessarily rude. If it's in the middle of the day and you brush twice a day (morning and night) then why brush again? I mean if your breath smells bad then it would be nice to do something about that (not necessarily brushing) but to go out of your way to brush right before you go seems almost redundant since they're about to clean your teeth anyway

43, I must be going to the wrong dentist then because my dentist doesnt actually clean my teeth for me. It's just normally a check up and tips on how to keep oral hygiene up if necessary!

RedPillSucks 31

Really? How much does your insurance cover? My dentist always does a cleaning.

50 is from the UK. Over here our dentists don't clean teeth. We have seperate dental appointments for that if we are over 16 (dentist cleans them if you are under 16) and those are with a different person (a hygenist). These are optional. Oh and we don't have health insurance in the UK. Our healthcare is free. (well I say free... it's covered through taxes).

For me, my dentist doesn't clean my teeth either. The dental hygienist does. Usually on a different appointment from my regular check up. My dentist reads my X-rays (that are taken by the dental assistant), checks for cavities and does any fillings etc... I recently had my braces taken off; Every time I had them tighten I would always make sure that the person working on my mouth didn't have to smell even a hint of bad breath. Courtesy! I even asked for a spare toothbrush and brushed before I sat in the dental chair. They never minded waiting 2 extra minutes for me to do that. That earlier morning brushing doesn't last long enough for someone --that close to an open mouth.

#64, I'm from Scotland and my dentist will do a clean of my teeth whilst still in my appointment for a check up. That is the standard of an appointment at my dentist. You go in expecting your teeth cleaned/polished because it is what is always offered. So this nonsense about needing to make two appointments to get them cleaned is false.

Not true.. things obviously are not standardly Scottish.. places around the world do things differently it's really not that hard to comprehend

I'm a dental nurse, and some dentists do refer their patients to a hygienist to offer cleaning. However at my practise the dentist will clean at the check up appointment. You only pay once that way!

\ 28

He sounds cynical... Maybe he considers toothbrushing to be just as important as hand-washing

#3: My dentist and I always joke around with each other. I tell him that if he comes at me with the drill, blood will be shed. I tend to go on into rather gory detail of what I would do to him. He's cool and takes it in stride. He needs to pay off the caffeine though. He begins to tremble violently whenever I'm talking.

ladypunk 8

I think the dentist is implying that OP coming to an appointment without brushing his teeth is nasty and inconsiderate, just like it would be if the dentist hadn't washed his hands before poking around in OP's mouth.

misslady23 10

#3 same here! But just incase I hope OP asked him to wash his hands.

*DocBastard's voice* Hey, there's a comment I haven't seen 2853 times. Thanks for the originality.

I always imagine your voice being high and screechy. Sort of like what a person would sound like when having a bottle inserted into his bum.

Damn, you do a good DocBastard impersonation. Although it's missing the rocking chair and grumbling about kids getting off of lawns.

MichellinMan 20

Everything has to be original these days or it's deemed unworthy of existing.

RedPillSucks 31

How does the person who's trying to yank it out sound?

When I first started reading your comments your pic was a skull and your country was listed as Zimbabwe, I think. I imagined you being a witch doctor and putting a curse on me if I thumbed you down. I can also imagine you handing out candy on Halloween, and little children running like hell.

Buck - Your description is strangely accurate.

I'm pretty sure he is required to wear gloves so it's not super gross if he was serious

That doesn't matter! The ick factor is still a full 100!

Allennis44 16

Yeah but I'd still want my dentist to wash his hands

meggieeee92 15

Uhh but he has to touch the gloves in order to put them on. I'm pretty sure when you put gloves on you touch the outside of them, the part that's about to go in your mouth. That's definitely unsanitary.

Not sure why people are thumbing down 92, they have a valid point. I work in a bakery and I always touch the outside of the gloves while trying to put them on. Kind've impossible not to.

That's disgusting. Leaving home without brushing your teeth. I'd rather be late. And he was probably kidding. He would stand to lose his license for being that unhygienic.

Or if you're a serious 'fraidy-cat, you arrive early to brush, floss, and gargle before you get in the chair for fear of annoying the person with the pointy instruments of torture.

oyemba 6

That's in Zimbabwe dude. No one will lose their license over hand washing. Let's be serious

That's ridiculous, Welshite! Why would he joke about something a serious as oral hygiene? Besides, who has a sense of humour these days? I'm pretty sure everything is meant to be taken 100% seriously.

cheshirecat13242 32
Ch_rae5 19

it's still really gross to even think about

Davidz1020 3

Aww... That sucks DICK... Get it... No? Ok