Invisible Woman

By Anonymous - 19/10/2019 00:01

Today, I accidentally overslept and missed a morning breakfast at work, one I never get to have when it happens. Not only did my boss say nothing about me being absent, he even asked me if the food was good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 277
You deserved it 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe that was his polite way of pretending you were there when you weren’t. Is not his fault that you overslept. If your suppose to be at work at x time then you should be there at x time.


What do they serve at this breakfast if you keep wanting to attend? If it's just the social aspect you want, arrange a night out together.

I swear something like this was posted almost exactly the same within the past 6 months...

Maybe that was his polite way of pretending you were there when you weren’t. Is not his fault that you overslept. If your suppose to be at work at x time then you should be there at x time.