By leftbehind - 10/06/2011 11:40 - Colombia

Today, I was the only passenger on a completely booked flight to have all their luggage left behind in another country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 858
You deserved it 3 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments


blueandpurpleroc 4

get it wired? it's not gone forever. (:

NastyNinja31 0

It's an excuse to buy new clothes!;D

NOW I think I speak for everyone when I say: "LOL"

44- Well stop speaking for everyone. "LOL" was the last thing I thought of when I read this FML.

I don't say "lol" so don't speak for me. :)

53 yeah I don't say lol because I don't actually lol. I say lqtm to be more realistic. LQTM means laugh quietly to myself. -Demitri Martin.

imacreeper 3

55- your comment made me LQTM... I love Dmitri Martin.

Wait I don't understand the FML. His luggage is lost or everyone else's one is?

A7X_LoVeee 10

Only his luggage was left behind. So basically he's flying home without his shit.

Mispelled words in both of my comments. Dumb iPhone case.

Should've flew with Southwest. At least you wouldn't have had to pay much to lost them.

Except me, the rest of the passengers on OP's plane, and most everyone else. :3

happened to me. xD the airport kept having to send it to different airports to try and catch up to me seeing as I was on a cruise ship and constantly moving.

It didn't get left behind. By the way I'm enjoying your Viagra very much.

twixxone 4

airlines always end up ******* up a good vacation!

comepoopwithme 0