By Duped - 27/11/2009 08:09 - United States

Today, I received the sweetest love letter from my boyfriend after having a bad day. After gushing about it and reading it to my friends, they said it reminded them of a letter that they'd seen online. He got it from a fill-in-the-blank love letter generator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 483
You deserved it 5 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Big ******* deal if it wasn't his letter. He still made you happy, right? STFU and just appreciate that your boyfriend cared enough to give you a love letter in the first place.


waffles2009 0
helpmeiamblind 0

Probably still better then you deserve... bitch

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

wtf? y the hell wud u **** ur life cuz of this? good god child.... -.-

Duped, its the thought that counts. He probably wanted something really romantically strong that would have overtaken you and made you gush, which is why he went to the best website for love letter plagiarism and didnt want to give you one himself. :P If you still have a really huge problem with that, then communication is key, just tell him you want something from him.

Don't gush. Just appreciate the fact that he thought of you. Your friends don't need to know unless you're somewhere in the ballpark of twelve and the only one in a relationship.

What the hell is wrong with the OP? What is the difference between buying your girlfriend flowers and giving her a love letter that he searched for? You wouldn't go out and pick a bunch of crappy flowers, so you go buy some that are already made. So you don't go and write a crappy letter if you can't write one. God some people are so high up their asses... so if your boyfriend gave you a rose that he bought would you throw that back in his face and tell him to grow him one?

analltimelow 0

do you think you can give me the website where he got that from? cheers.