By Duped - 27/11/2009 08:09 - United States

Today, I received the sweetest love letter from my boyfriend after having a bad day. After gushing about it and reading it to my friends, they said it reminded them of a letter that they'd seen online. He got it from a fill-in-the-blank love letter generator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 483
You deserved it 5 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Big ******* deal if it wasn't his letter. He still made you happy, right? STFU and just appreciate that your boyfriend cared enough to give you a love letter in the first place.


F_Your_Life_001 0

Youve been duped! Bamboozled! Youve been smeckledorfed!

azouwa 26

Go easy on him. He tried. Not every man puts out effort like that.

I'm curious. How did they happen. to see it online. that just seems odd. and he made an effort so stop complaining.