By shittysituation - 05/01/2015 06:27 - United States - Milpitas

Today, I came back from break to find that my roommate had been shitting in the bathtub for the entire 2 weeks I had been gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 533
You deserved it 3 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

meggieeeee92 27

I would request a new roommate. That is disgusting. Who does that?

God forbid they move their ass a bit and shit in the toilet like a normal human being.


meggieeeee92 27

I would request a new roommate. That is disgusting. Who does that?

Someone who should not be living in the dorms.

Why is #27 down voted, it's true. Trust me.

I just realized, where did the roommate shower if the bathtub was full of crap?

I am really hoping OP meant to say "sitting" and got auto corrected. D:

jojimugo 20

#38 when someone is ******** in the bathtub I don't think showering is high on their list of things to do

Yes, in the real world you can get out of your lease simply by requesting your landlord kick them out and find you a new roommate!

serial killers , lunatics , social path, psychopaths


Wtf! That calls for a major intervention and new roommate. And a lot of gas masks

JustinJK 21

They might be in an apartment with a lease agreement. might not be able to just get a new roommate

#3 OP is also gonna need a new bathtub.

God forbid they move their ass a bit and shit in the toilet like a normal human being.

man_in_black08 28

That is a violation in the room mate agreement!

that is a violation of a lot of things. Number one being common human decency

tazmanmike2013 17

Sounds like your roommate needs a little "wall to wall counseling" before you put them on the street.

I threw up a little in my mouth... Fyl op

There's a button for throwing up in your mouth? Ew.

Hahaha for some of these i totally feel there should be

Makes me wonder what happened to the toilet..

By the sounds of it, absolutely nothing at all.

Most people don't have that luxury. Either your really lucky or you still live with your parents.

I'm with #9. I choose to skimp a bit and pay for my own apt now than have roommates ever again. Bitches be crazy.

Wow good one man I just laughed my ******* ass off at that work of art. Keep up the great puns. -No one ever

OP did it themself this time! Pay a tad more attention ;)