By ugh - 01/10/2009 15:49 - United States

Today, I realized that I can't shave my unibrow because I have too much acne on my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 620
You deserved it 10 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments


shanny411 0

me too but try to use tweezers it works cuz I use it and it works perfectly FYI i still look hot

dude cmon there are some things you keep to yourself

friduh 0

okay 1st TMI!!!!!!!!!!! 2nd get rubbing alcohol and put a shit load on your face (it dries up pimples) 3nd there's something called tweezers (use them!) seriously #181 knows what they're talking about

friduh 0

okay 1st TMI!!!!!!!!!!! 2nd get rubbing alcohol and put a shit load on your face (it dries up pimples) 3nd there's something called tweezers (use them!) seriously #181 knows what they're talking about

dancer81 0

would your name by any chance happen to be john?