Alexa, play "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath

By ugh mom! - 22/04/2020 20:00

Today, my ridiculously paranoid mom was almost arrested after she caused a huge scene outside her apartment's leasing office. She demanded to pay her rent with a money order, even though they’re only accepting online payments due to the quarantine. She thinks they’re trying to steal her information. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 898
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zeffra13 31

Ahahaha my dad is like that too! He won't pay any bill online if he can help it because they might steal his info or do extra charges without notice. He's fine buying stuff online though, but I think that's because it's easier to prove a dispute over a physical item charge than over a service.

jfigley 5

Guess she's not much of an Amazon Prime person huh?


jfigley 5

Guess she's not much of an Amazon Prime person huh?

You should have supported your mom. She was just trying to make a secure payment and did not want your family's money robbed by hackers.

zeffra13 31

Ahahaha my dad is like that too! He won't pay any bill online if he can help it because they might steal his info or do extra charges without notice. He's fine buying stuff online though, but I think that's because it's easier to prove a dispute over a physical item charge than over a service.

coius 23

In america, if you look on monetary notes, theres a phrase “This note is legal tender for any and all debts”. It would technically be illegal if she went with cash to pay rent and they refused to let her pay rent as that would be a distrust in a federally-backed currency