By wookieewhosshe - 22/07/2019 06:43

Today, I was informed that my flatmate had not handed his documents in to the new landlord like he'd told me. We are due to move to a new area tomorrow for the new job that I start in 4 days. Now we can't move for another week. Anyone have a spare couch? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 574
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigdaddyeric 35

Unless he’s your lover, and he sounds like he is, **** him, this is his problem and I would move without him!

He sounds like a very reliable young man. Good luck with that.


bigdaddyeric 35

Unless he’s your lover, and he sounds like he is, **** him, this is his problem and I would move without him!

I'm pretty sure that '**** him' part also applies in case it's OP's lover.

He sounds like a very reliable young man. Good luck with that.

Sporadic1 6

yea ditch that dude unless you guys are close...

Follow up! We were really good friends before moving in together. We are still good friends and have been living together for about 8 weeks now. it's going great and despite the warning sign, it has been the only one and we are having a great time. no regrets here